This seems to be creationist legislation. What about efforts like the
Texas and Louisiana textbook supplements in 2013. Nothing seems to have
been tried since by IDiots. Louisiana attempted to use their switch
scam legislation to alter textbooks several years before that. Both
attempts were stopped by the Discovery Institute's bait and switch
policy. Sell the rubes ID, then only give them something that doesn't
even mention that ID ever existed, and tell them not to try to teach ID.
You might be able to track the extinction of various IDiot
organizations, their special creations in time and when they went
extinct. The association between the Discovery Institute and ARN and
the branching of the various ID Networks and their separate extinctions.
The evolution of places like ARN, UD and the IDEA where they have
degenerated over the years and lost functional (disfunctional?) parts.
The ISCID creation and demise and the evolution and demise of the
various ID networks and the resurrection as COPE. With ID in the name
of your creationist scam organization it is difficult to sell a switch
scam that doesn't even mention that ID ever existed, so why not change
the name and start over?
You could have branch terminations for the ID perps that have bailed out
of the ID scam over the years. Philip Johnson may be the first of the
big names, then Beckwith and now Dembski. Mike Gene seems to have
bailed and has apparently been claiming that ID isn't science since
around 2007. No one seems to have mentioned that change of heart on TO,
and I only found out when they started barking about Salvador Cordova
getting banned from UD for his apparent view changes this month.
In your tree of legislation can you break down the branches where the ID
perps have run the bait and switch on the clueless? This would be the
Teach ID creationist legislation that the ID perps at the Discovery
Institute come out against every time they pop up.
The last case that I recall was Florida around 2010 when 9 county school
boards and several legislators were claiming that they were going to
teach intelligent design in the Florida public schools. The Discovery
Institute had to run the bait and switch on one clueless Florida
legislator the next year when he tried to introduce IDiocy after having
the bait and switch run on him the previous year.
Does that type of legislation show the same tree like structure or is it
just random clueless individuals of the type that wouldn't know that the
bait and switch has been going down since 2002 in Ohio.
The start of your phylogeny around 2004 was after the ID perps went to
the switch scam in 2002 instead of the teach ID scam, and they had put
out their sample switch scam legislation that doesn't mention that ID
ever existed. It stand to reason that any creationists that would be
clueless and or dishonest enough to bend over for such a bait and switch
scam would run with the junk that they got from the ID perps, so the
relationship should be obvious in creationist switch scam legislation.
The creationist teach ID legislation might be some weird hybrid form
related to the scientific creationist legislation. There would just be
a fossil gap between between the Supreme Court decision against
scientific creationism in 1987 and the start of the Teach ID creationist
scam around 1995 but the phylogenetic relationships may still be apparent.
Ron Okimoto