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Re: The Creepy Cult Surrounding the Gas Stove Panic Gets Exposed

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Jan 26, 2024, 3:50:17 PMJan 26
On 16 Feb 2022, Molly Bolt <> posted some

> AOC is just a stupid beaner whore.

If you’ve been on social media the last day or so, you’ve probably noticed
there’s a moral panic occurring over gas stoves. According to Democrats
far and wide, they are dangerous, cause asthma, and must be banned by the
federal government.

As RedState reported, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez pushed that line on
Tuesday, resulting in much mockery given she herself has a gas stove. But
what’s astonishing is that amidst her absolute certainty on the topic, she
had never even mentioned the issue prior.

This is one of the creepiest parts of modern progressivism. AOC had never
tweeted about stoves before yesterday, but, when she did for the first
time, her tone was one of weary condescension toward the bitter-enders
whom she's been trying to inform for years. It's cultish.

— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) January 11, 2023

In other words, in the span of just 24 hours, Ocasio-Cortez saw some
questionable study, promoted it on the internet, gained legions of
supporters for her position, and then tried to pretend that everyone else
had been ignoring her desperate calls. As Charles W. Cooke notes, it’s
cultish behavior. Is there anything the New York congresswoman could say
that her army of simps wouldn’t agree with? And none of them even gave a
second thought as to whether what she was saying was true or made any

It wasn’t just Ocasio-Cortez, though. Other Democrats lined up to preach
the dangers of gas stoves, having all suddenly become experts on the

Good luck finding much support for Scott Wiener and Max Kennedy’s claims
that gas stoves are “toxic” and cause asthma. Yes, a search will produce a
random study or two, but there’s been no landmark research regarding gas
stoves proving they are a major health risk, much less is there anything
that begins to justify federal government intervention.

What makes this even dumber is that all the Democrats currently pushing
for a ban on gas stoves apparently have them. If they are so dangerous,
why didn’t Elizabeth Warren, Jill Biden, Kamala Harris, and others get rid
of their gas stoves years ago? Could it be because this entire discussion
is completely manufactured?

Gas stoves for me but not for thee

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) January 11, 2023

Regardless, it’s worth asking where this is all coming from, right? Why
did Democrats all start moving in lockstep to ban gas stoves, seemingly
with no prior concern at all? And sure enough, with a little digging, it’s
been revealed that this isn’t just idle science taking place.

The company behind the study is called “Carbon-Free Buildings.” That
company is a partner of the World Economic Forum and has a true-believer
CEO who wants to rid the world of all carbon emissions (which is
impossible and would lead to mass extinction).

Now, it’s all starting to make sense. Is this moral panic over gas stoves
really about children and asthma? Of course, it’s not. Rather, it is yet
more nonsense from the WEF and its like-minded corporate underlings
regarding climate change. It’s obvious, in my view, that the citation of
health risks being bandied about currently is just a convenient cover to
try to force more people off forms of energy that rely on fossil fuels
(i.e. natural gas).

That’s why no one was talking about this previously. The climate change
cult is just using this “study,” which I wouldn’t trust as far as I can
throw it, to accomplish its ultimate goal. But what’s scary here is how
quickly they were able to mobilize. A study gets put out, Ocasio-Cortez
and others run with it, and suddenly the federal government is trying to
tell you what stove you can cook on. There’s a certain psychotic
efficiency to the modern left, and it shouldn’t be brushed aside.
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