-- K.
I am the wisest man on Usenet.
According to my spellchecking program, you either misspelled "widest",
"wise ass", or "Windows for Workgroups", I'm not sure which.
Michael Straight wonders if it wasn't "Weltanschauungen."
Ethical Mirth Gas/"I'm chaste alright."/The Magical Shirt/Hath grace limits?"
"Halt this grimace!"/Chili Hamster Tag/The Gilt Charisma/"I gather this calm."
> I keep thinking of a Giant H wearing imaginary pants, and I keep
> laughing. A Giant H with its legs surrounded by dotted lines!
> It's a comical thing! Try it and see!
It's so funny Dave Letterman named his production company after the concept!
> -- K.
> I am the wisest man on Usenet.
Cerberus is the only one who knows the etymology of "etymology."
"Theory is an effete diversion. Its purpose is to increase the self-esteem of the theorists. The only worthwhile doctrine is calculated madness"--_Players_, by Don DeLillo.
did i ever tell you about my Moebius Pants(tm)?
no matter what way you wear them, they're never inside out!
...if you know how to put them on.
i am NOT the wisest man on usenet
but 'rawjah', she wants my soapy, lathery penis.
Damnit! You keep misspelling it! What the hell is wrong with you people?
"There is much more to this demented post, than this paragraph." Waltzing
-- Andrew Beckwith "Grate spirits have always encounterd Ma~
violint opposition from mediocer minds" --A. Einstien
"Without trolling, the Internet wouldn't be where it is today" -John Yeung
damn YOU! i think everyone has the right to beable to spell "beable" anyway
they want - even such radical spellings as "beable" or "beable". i do not
appreciate the usenet crypto-anarcho-fascist boys' club coming in to this
area and replacing innocent posters' "beable"s with "beable"s! this is an
outrage and i demand someone do something about it! now!
replace THIS, beablehead!
> replace THIS,doodiehead!
Replace what?
"There is much more to this demented post, than this paragraph."
-- Andrew Beckwith "Grate spirits have always encountered violint
opposition from mediocer minds" -- A. Einstein
"Without trolling, the Internet wouldn't be where it is today" --John Yeung
>did i ever tell you about my Moebius Pants(tm)?
>no matter what way you wear them, they're never inside out!
>...if you know how to put them on.
Say, I had a pair of pants like that once, but I could never find
the beginning of the zipper.
Jay "The first two inches are free" Klinck