I have no further information on this. If you have advice for this person,
contact him/her directly, and please leave me out of it.
-----Original Message-----
From: qre...@bluesky.com [mailto:qre...@bluesky.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 12:15 AM
To: j...@frosch.com
Subject: Time travelers PLEASE HELP!!!!!!
If you are a time traveler or alien disguised as human and or have the
technology to travel
physically through time I need your help!
Also if you are from any of the following planets and can help me as mentioned
please reply:
I come to you for help, and need a way of doing this in the following way
exactly in such a way
that there will be little or no danger. I come to you in peace. Trust and
honesty is an
absolutely must!!
My life has been severely tampered with and cursed.
I have suffered tremendously and am now dying!
I need to be able to:
Travel physically back in time.
Rewind my life (including my age).
Be able to (remember what I know now) so that I can prevent my life from being
tampered with
again after I go back.
I am in great danger and need this immediately!
Only if you are a time traveler or nice alien and have this technology please
send me a
(separate) email to:
> My life has been severely tampered with and cursed.
> I have suffered tremendously and am now dying!
...from the minute you were born... don't feel alone.
> I need to be able to:
> Travel physically back in time.
I think you're missing the point.
> Rewind my life (including my age).
Yep, you don't have a clue.
> Be able to (remember what I know now) so that I can prevent my life from being
> tampered with
> again after I go back.
The easiest way to win at 3 card monty is not to play. Meaning: if
your life is being "tampered with," a new 'cage' ain't gonna help.
What you need is a peek behind the curtain.
> I am in great danger and need this immediately!
But you do realize that in my view, "immediately" translates to "at
this point in time" so, there's really no big rush.
> Only if you are a time traveler or nice alien and have this technology please
> send me a
> (separate) email to:
Well, if I'm to stick to the concept: I really don't have anything as
primitive as email, maybe I can modify this rock... Using a magic
space alien booger I got from the that Tracker guy and voila!
> Thanks
Ass, cash or Romulan Ale... nobody rides for free!
www.thefoo.org join or your house will smell like feet forever!
Quotes popular song by The Doors regarding safety and surprise.
> > I need to be able to:
> >
> > Travel physically back in time.
> I think you're missing the point.
Adds that more than a few people seem to *need* such an ability.
> > Rewind my life (including my age).
> Yep, you don't have a clue.
Concurs emphatically with this assessment.
> > Be able to (remember what I know now) so that I can prevent my life from being
> > tampered with
> > again after I go back.
> The easiest way to win at 3 card monty is not to play. Meaning: if
> your life is being "tampered with," a new 'cage' ain't gonna help.
> What you need is a peek behind the curtain.
Doubts likelihood of understanding, and ponders possibility that Poster A
is, in fact, a spammer in hir spare time.
> > I am in great danger and need this immediately!
> But you do realize that in my view, "immediately" translates to "at
> this point in time" so, there's really no big rush.
Chortles mightily at the above turnaround, and informs large redhead at the
bar that Poster B cannot pay for another drink before the following month.
> > Only if you are a time traveler or nice alien and have this technology please
> > send me a
> > (separate) email to:
> >
> Well, if I'm to stick to the concept: I really don't have anything as
> primitive as email, maybe I can modify this rock... Using a magic
> space alien booger I got from the that Tracker guy and voila!
Commiserates with Poster B over constant problem with re-writing paragraphs
and forgetting to delete all superfluous words, and wonders at the sheer
naivete required to post one's real email address to so many newsgroups at
once, presuming that said address is not merely Deja or Hotmail, or similar
non-ISP email provider.
> > Thanks
> Ass, cash or Romulan Ale... nobody rides for free!
Mentions famous acronym from popular sf novel of 1960s, by way of
Snarky, Cross-Poster for Goddess
>> My life has been severely tampered with and cursed.
>> I have suffered tremendously and am now dying!
Your request has been granted. If you think your life is fucked now
you should have seen what it was like before I fixed it.
Time Traveling Alien
It was fine, you're paranoid.
>Time Traveling Alien
Never get between a mother bear and her family. But you did, and I'll make
sure you don't do it to anyone else. Or die trying.
>>Time Traveling Alien
>Never get between a mother bear and her family. But you did, and I'll make
>sure you don't do it to anyone else. Or die trying.
My money is on the "die trying" bit.
Douglas E. Berry grid...@mindspring.com
"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as
when they do it from religious conviction."
Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), Pense'es, #894.
>On Wed, 21 Nov 2001 15:01:18 GMT, a wanderer, known to us only as
>J@J.J (Lil G) warmed at our fire and told this tale:
>>Never get between a mother bear and her family. But you did, and I'll make
>>sure you don't do it to anyone else. Or die trying.
>My money is on the "die trying" bit.
That of course, works for me.
Who the hell wants to live in a world where they're controlled by
You're going to love this. You don't need to time travel. You just need to
stop caring about the petty things that these 'tamperers' mess with and
try to make you suffer for. Just step back and realize how unimportant so
many things are to your central well being and happiness. I've been down
this road. My car used to breakdown regularly until I just stopped
freaking and 'suffering' about it. Then it went back to normal. It still
breaks down every now and then, but I've learned not to worry about it.
Last time it happened, I was so unconcenred that two days later the fuel
pump that had died simply started working again.
Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.
>Who the hell wants to live in a world where they're controlled by
Beats the alternative. Really, which would you prefer, having to deal
with a lawfully elected government, or being at the mercy of the next
tribe of rampaging barbarians that happen to ride by?
Snippy comment regarding the inauthenticity of binary choices.
You're really starting to piss me off.
At the end of the next century, we will finally discover that
When you flush, you are giving a little back to the past.
I think the 1500's are filling up with our refuse as we speak.
Specificially near Arabia.
Someone needs to squeeze into a toilet, go back in time,
and stop Islam in the 1500's, by bringing back
porno and really good beer.
>Someone needs to squeeze into a toilet, go back in time,
>and stop Islam in the 1500's, by bringing back
>porno and really good beer.
nah. just flush it. flush it all and flood 'em with it.
-- astri
>got that one right,dug
The problem is the part of the government which is exerting the most control
over people is NOT elected. In fact if the average person kew the extent of
the invasion of privacy and control, they'd be furious.
>On Fri, 23 Nov 2001 23:54:33 -0000, "George Drew"
><Georg...@btopenworld.com> wrote:
>>got that one right,dug
>The problem is the part of the government which is exerting the most control
>over people is NOT elected. In fact if the average person kew the extent of
>the invasion of privacy and control, they'd be furious.
And where's the check and balance system for those who invade our privacy,
eavesdrop on our telecommunications, eh? By what laws are they bound? And
what is the punishment for individuals who abuse that power, eh?
Heaven forbid we're left to defend ourselves. Just think what the
barbarians would do to our sky scrapers if it weren't for the
"True, they might, I dunno, build 'em, or something...Fortunately, we hhave
government to make sure the barbarians do their job properly."
"Fook of The FOO" <fook...@my-deja.com> wrote in message
au...@mail.direcpc.com "all is meow when said in kitten"
au...@detroit.freenet.org perfect peace be upon you forever
au...@mail.direcpc.com "all is meow when said in kitten"
au...@detroit.freenet.org perfect peace be upon you forever
"Fook of The FOO" <fook...@my-deja.com> wrote in message
>>The problem is the part of the government which is exerting the most control
>>over people is NOT elected. In fact if the average person kew the extent of
>>the invasion of privacy and control, they'd be furious.
>And where's the check and balance system for those who invade our privacy,
>eavesdrop on our telecommunications, eh? By what laws are they bound? And
>what is the punishment for individuals who abuse that power, eh?
If you have hard proof, go to the ACLU. Trust me, you have a better
chance of getting them then getting a time traveller.
>Heaven forbid we're left to defend ourselves. Just think what the
>barbarians would do to our sky scrapers if it weren't for the
Gee. And what did you do to the al-Qaeda network since then? Seems
our government has used the thousands of professional soldiers at its
disposal and the intelligence assets we have to track down and destroy
most of their infrastructure, and reduce their leadership to either
DNA samples or hunted fugitives.
Let me get back to the point: You live in your isolated homestead,
I'm the warlord of a thousand barbarians. Who wins?
If you and all your neighbors band together for mutual defense, you
will need to have laws to regulated behavior and establish
punishments. This is what we call civilization.