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Re: What is atheism?

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Dangerous Nonconformist

Mar 5, 2010, 7:57:48 AM3/5/10
Mike Jones wrote:

> *There is no "divinity" or "god". Zero. Nada. Zip. None. Not one.*
> Nothing "varied and nebulous" about that, eh?

Well, yes, there is. Where is your proof?

Cough up.

Mar 5, 2010, 11:22:44 AM3/5/10
On Mar 5, 6:57 am, Dangerous Nonconformist

What is atheism : It is a philosophical bias whereby One forces him/
herself to be the god of his life rendering the real Creator null and
void. It is a personal secular religion based on incredible occurances
such as materials and raw chemicals giving rise to highly complex
personal things of design / pretending there is no ultimate meaning or
purpose to the existence of the Cosmos or ones own life ... so
maximized lifestyle choices including immoral ones that are labeled as
'fun' can be enjoyed repeatedly to fill ego-centrical inner
impulses . From the moment one wakes up to the time he goes to
sleep, the entire day consists of playing a charade that all is
useless, accidental, devoid of any ultimate meaning, and all that
matters is getting ones needs met at virtually any cost ...because
afterall, this life is all about ONESELF , the god on the throne.
In summary then, alleged atheism is a philosophy, a psychology, and a
lifestyle religion which has a very captivating lure which
superfically increases ones self esteem (and temporarily at that) .
You may join a national atheist foundation where many others exhibit
lives simular to yours , and a Member number will be assigned to you
(IE: AA # 1076 which makes you a significant Participant and one
with (yes...) purpose.


Mar 5, 2010, 1:34:48 PM3/5/10
to wrote:
> On Mar 5, 6:57 am, Dangerous Nonconformist
> <danger...@nonconformist.c0m> wrote:
>> Mike Jones wrote:
>>> *There is no "divinity" or "god". Zero. Nada. Zip. None. Not one.*
>>> Nothing "varied and nebulous" about that, eh?
>> Well, yes, there is. Where is your proof?
>> Cough up.
> What is atheism : It is a philosophical bias whereby One forces him/
> herself to be the god of his life rendering the real Creator null and
> void.

"Man is not the captain of his ship nor master of his fate." - Freud


Mar 5, 2010, 2:17:37 PM3/5/10
Gosh, just how many mistakes are there in this foolish "definition."

On Mar 5, 11:22 am, "" <> wrote:

> What is atheism :  It is a philosophical bias

OK, we've got our first big mistake. Atheism is a philosophical
position, not a bias. The reason most philosophers and top scientists
are atheists is that the philosophical arguments for atheism are so
very strong. Atheism may be mistaken, but it is not a bias.

whereby One forces him/
> herself to be the god of his life rendering the real Creator null and
> void.

Absurd. Atheism is the view that there are no gods, not that oneself
is a god.

> It is a personal secular religion

And atheism is clearly not a religion. It has no rites or dogmas, no
divine edicts, no plan of salvation. It is simply the denial that god

based on incredible occurances
> such as materials and raw chemicals giving rise to highly complex
> personal things of design

If you think that is incredible, then you simply think that science in
incredible. Which means you don't really understand it. No big
surprise here.

/ pretending there is no ultimate meaning or
> purpose to the existence of the Cosmos or ones own life

Even if there were a god, he could not give "ultimate meaning" to any
individuals life. Only the individual can do so.

... so
> maximized lifestyle choices including immoral ones that are labeled as
> 'fun'  can be enjoyed repeatedly to fill ego-centrical inner
> impulses .

It may well be true that atheists, like blondes, have more fun, but
there is no evidence that they indulge in any more immoral behavior
than Christians do. In fact, studies suggest that they behave more
morally than believers.

 From the moment one wakes up to the time he goes to
> sleep,  the entire day consists of playing a charade that all is
> useless, accidental, devoid of any ultimate meaning, and all that
> matters is getting ones needs met at virtually any cost ...because
> afterall,  this life is all about ONESELF , the god on the throne.

Total, utter nonsense. You don't need "ultimate" meanings (whatever
they might be) to have a meaningful life. Nor is an atheist's life
about getting what one needs "at virtually any cost." This is simply
the old lie that atheists are immoral, and the evidence suggests

You may terrify the faithful with this "definition" of atheism, but it
has no relationship to reality, and atheists know better.

Mar 5, 2010, 5:27:30 PM3/5/10
On Mar 5, 11:22 am, "" <> wrote:
> On Mar 5, 6:57 am, Dangerous Nonconformist
> <danger...@nonconformist.c0m> wrote:
> > Mike Jones wrote:
> > > *There is no "divinity" or "god". Zero. Nada. Zip. None. Not one.*
> > > Nothing "varied and nebulous" about that, eh?
> > Well, yes, there is. Where is your proof?
> > Cough up.
> What is atheism :  It is a philosophical bias whereby One forces him/
> herself to be the god of his life

snip crap

Q: How can you tell when a Christian is lying on the internet?
A: They're typing.

-Panama Floyd, Atlanta.
aa#2015/Member, Knights of BAAWA!


Mar 5, 2010, 5:54:14 PM3/5/10
You have time to reply to this asshole, so when are you going to
supply us with all that "proof and evidence" you say you have,

Mike Jones

Mar 5, 2010, 5:55:08 PM3/5/10
Responding to bholly72:


> It may well be true that atheists, like blondes, have more fun, but
> there is no evidence that they indulge in any more immoral behavior than
> Christians do. In fact, studies suggest that they behave more morally
> than believers.

I'd expect an atheist to have a more solid ethical grounding simply
because they would have worked on this for themselves, one step at a
time, instead of just accepting a pre-fabricated set of nonsensical rules
and threats like the religious tend to.

IOW, the atheist walks the path, and understands it better for the effort.

FU alt.atheism

*=( For all your UK news needs.


Mar 5, 2010, 8:26:40 PM3/5/10

"" <> skrev i melding

On Mar 5, 6:57 am, Dangerous Nonconformist
<danger...@nonconformist.c0m> wrote:
> Mike Jones wrote:

>........ so maximized lifestyle choices including immoral ones that are

>labeled as
>'fun' can be enjoyed repeatedly to fill ego-centrical inner
>impulses .

Ha! There is hardly any more egotistical occupation than trying to secure
your entry into heaven. The life, plans, actions, thoughts and dreams of
Xians centres around maximizing personal profit, and not only in this life,
but for eternity. The difference is not in the "maximizing", but in the map
of the world according to which one drives. According to the Xian map, there
is a Cosmic Ringmaster dispensing carrots at the end of the race; other
people don't believe that, and hence arrange themselves as to the actual
circumstances, not the projected psychological needs of the five year old.

> From the moment one wakes up to the time he goes to
>sleep, the entire day consists of playing a charade that all is
>useless, accidental, devoid of any ultimate meaning, and all that
>matters is getting ones needs met at virtually any cost ...because
>afterall, this life is all about ONESELF

Well, there is hope, seeing that you are capable of reflection,
self-recognition etc.



Mar 6, 2010, 9:06:03 AM3/6/10
On Mar 5, 7:26 pm, "Tronscend" <> wrote:
> "" <> skrev i

Theres no hope IN oneself . You need to fulfill your ultimate reason
for being alive --- and the highest is none other than the Cosmos'
Creator himself and his love for you. See the difference ? One is
self centered via hedonism and freedom to live as you like...and the
other is personally knowing the actual Creator and having a dynamic
relationship with him that carries over beyond physical death. Do
you want your 'fun' now in one basket, or, are you willing to
experience something later that self-absorbing temporary ventures dont
hold a candle too ?


Mar 6, 2010, 9:08:25 AM3/6/10

You lead a sad life.


Mar 6, 2010, 9:27:02 AM3/6/10

Yes, he reminds me of one description of a Puritan as someone who is
afraid that someone, somewhere is having a good time.


Cory Albrecht

Mar 6, 2010, 11:15:47 AM3/6/10
Wombat wrote, on 10-03-06 09:27 AM:

Whereas a Fundamentalist is someone who is angry that someone, somewhere

Free Lunch

Mar 6, 2010, 11:33:06 AM3/6/10
On Sat, 6 Mar 2010 06:06:03 -0800 (PST), ""
<> wrote in

Why do you believe those pathological doctrines? They are bad for you
and cause you to lie and hate. Repent of your false understanding. You
know that Jesus didn't teach these things.


Mar 6, 2010, 11:35:19 AM3/6/10
> Wombat- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Exactly. It must keep him awake at night worrying about it.


Mar 6, 2010, 1:23:29 PM3/6/10
On Mar 6, 9:33 am, Free Lunch <> wrote:
> On Sat, 6 Mar 2010 06:06:03 -0800 (PST), ""
> <> wrote in

He *believes* Jesus taught these things, and he is compelled to
believe them because the leaders of his particular superstition are
very, *very* good at instilling Fear of Death into their sheeple.
Dave is scared shitless of being dead, because he thinks that some
part of his consciousness will remain after his brain dies.
Therefore, he needs to believe that he is "saved" from some horrible
post-death punishment.

What gobsmacks him is that we don't feel the same overweening fear
that he does. That *really* bothers him, so he redoubles his efforts.

Pathetic, innit?

Brenda Nelson, A.A.#34
BAAWA Knight
EAC Professor of Feline Thermometrics and Cat-Herding
skyeyes nine at cox dot net

Mar 6, 2010, 1:57:06 PM3/6/10

"Tronscend" <> wrote in message

> "" <> skrev i melding
> On Mar 5, 6:57 am, Dangerous Nonconformist
> <danger...@nonconformist.c0m> wrote:
>> Mike Jones wrote:
> ....
>>........ so maximized lifestyle choices including immoral ones that are
>>labeled as
>>'fun' can be enjoyed repeatedly to fill ego-centrical inner
>>impulses .

Your "descriptions" of atheist thinking and behavior arebased, only, in your
sick mind.
Believers do the same, immoral, things that atheists do (and then some) -
but they add the arrogant hypocrisy of pretending they're better.

> Ha! There is hardly any more egotistical occupation than trying to secure
> your entry into heaven. The life, plans, actions, thoughts and dreams of
> Xians centres around maximizing personal profit, and not only in this
> life, but for eternity. The difference is not in the "maximizing", but in
> the map of the world according to which one drives. According to the Xian
> map, there is a Cosmic Ringmaster dispensing carrots at the end of the
> race; other people don't believe that, and hence arrange themselves as to
> the actual circumstances, not the projected psychological needs of the
> five year old.
>> From the moment one wakes up to the time he goes to
>>sleep, the entire day consists of playing a charade that all is
>>useless, accidental, devoid of any ultimate meaning, and all that
>>matters is getting ones needs met at virtually any cost ...because
>>afterall, this life is all about ONESELF

The charade is the egomania that believing in fairy tales, rather than the
effects of your own actions, is what makes you "moral".

Mar 6, 2010, 2:36:40 PM3/6/10

"" <> wrote in message

That's one hell of an assertion, that only proves your ignorance, rather
than your wisdom.
There is hope within a person - no matter what they believe or do not
It certainly isn't out in the garage! ))))))))))))

You need to fulfill your ultimate reason
for being alive ---

(((((((((says who??????????? .... and who decides whether we do or not? I
HOPE you are arrogant and stupid enough to claim you or your "sky pixie"

and the highest is none other than the Cosmos'
Creator himself and his love for you.

(((((Damn ..... there we get back to that feisty little fact that you've
NEVER faced ........ you have no evidence to support your claim! ))))))

See the difference ?

((((( In what; this and your previous bellowed delusions? )))))

One is
self centered via hedonism and freedom to live as you like...and the
other is personally knowing the actual Creator and having a dynamic
relationship with him that carries over beyond physical death.

((((((( Here's that feisty fact again; no evidence.
If you REALLY believe that human beings do NOT manipulate god(s) for their
own personal, egotistical reasons - then you know nothing about the reality
of humans ....... but I think that has already been concluded
before. )))))))))

you want your 'fun' now in one basket, or, are you willing to
experience something later that self-absorbing temporary ventures dont
hold a candle too ?

(((((((((((????????? Experience what? Your sickness?
I'm ready for any evidence you have to throw at me ..... and, so far,
neither I - nor anyone else in history has ever had to face anything other
than bellowing from ignorant morons. ))))))))))))))))))


Mar 6, 2010, 4:13:07 PM3/6/10

If cats have 9 lives, do they go to heaven 9 times?

Mar 8, 2010, 11:15:14 AM3/8/10
> You lead a sad life.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Why ? Because the Universe isnt all about ME, ME , ME...(and my
genital satisfaction thru using another for a copulation risking
getting disease ) ? Is this the kind of 'fun' im missing out on that
makes my life 'so sad' ?! I praise God he has allowed me to see that
I was following the Big Lie of our Culture by pretending the personal
Creator isnt real so i could have maximized 'fun' . Come
clean...escape the trap....move over to Gods Camp and never be sorry
you did -- in this life and the one to follow called eternity.


Mar 8, 2010, 11:29:25 AM3/8/10

Just a point - is your preoccupation with the sexual behaviour of
others a reaction to your previous homosexual lifestyle or your
current celibate lifestyle, seeing no woman (or even man) would be
interested in you after 5 minutes in your company.



Mar 8, 2010, 11:29:35 AM3/8/10
Dickhead dave saz: Did you know that radiocarbon dating may
offer supporting evidence for Noah's Flood?
Oh Really?

Dimwit dave Saz: "However, THIS one is Creationists can certainly
prove an intelligent Designer/Creator for the Cosmos"
Oh Really?

Dumbfuck dave saz: "If you cant see the vast evidences for special
Creation..." there is good evidence that the leviathan described in
the book of Job was a large dinosaur
Oh Really?

Well then, where is your "supporting evidence", your "proof", your
"vast evidences"?
None of you creatioNUTS can show diddle squat for "proof" of anything
remotely "god-like"
All we get is endless links to worthless creatioNUT sites, more
unsubstantial statements and useless comments

Tim Miller

Mar 8, 2010, 11:52:09 AM3/8/10

No, because there isn't going to BE any "eternity" for you...
and you're wasting the ONE life you actually DO get.


Mar 8, 2010, 12:00:49 PM3/8/10
On Mar 8, 8:52 am, Tim Miller <replytonewsgr...@invalid.invalid>

> No, because there isn't going to BE any "eternity" for you...
> and you're wasting the ONE life you actually DO get.

The human gene pool wins this one.
Dimwit Dave has no offspring (except his aborted blob of cells he
plans on seeing in his imaginary afterlife)

And here's one more question for him to avoid
How will he be able to tell which of the millions of aborted blob of
cells is his?


Mar 8, 2010, 12:40:46 PM3/8/10

I doubt that you could acheive it anyway.


Mar 8, 2010, 12:44:42 PM3/8/10

how original


Mar 8, 2010, 2:05:34 PM3/8/10
In article
"" <> wrote:

> > You lead a sad life.
> >
> >

> Why ? Because the Universe isnt all about ME, ME , ME...(and my
> genital satisfaction thru using another for a copulation risking
> getting disease ) ?

Because you have given up the right to be yourself.

Parts of most theist society ethical and moral standards are beneficial
and are shared with other societies, but not all, and you have given up
the right to decide for yourself what you are to consider moral and


Mar 8, 2010, 5:23:02 PM3/8/10

The originality of the statement is immaterial, the statement is true.


Mar 8, 2010, 5:26:20 PM3/8/10

I have never seen a person as fixated on sexual reasons for the denial
of his precious god. Since Dave projects in all of his posts, someone
probably needs to search his background for serious crimes of a sexual


Mar 8, 2010, 5:58:22 PM3/8/10
On 8 Mar, 22:26, Ralph <> wrote:

says it much better than I could:

Kadaitcha Man

Mar 8, 2010, 6:13:14 PM3/8/10
"Ralph", thou bum-faced mumble-news. The complaints I have heard of you I
do not all believe; 'tis thy slowness, for I know you lack not folly to
make such knaveries. Ye whinnied:

> the statement is true.

This statement is false.

I have defined no god. And when I do need to define some god for the
purposes of discussing its nature with atheists I always define the
supposed some god in the very same concrete and arbitrary terms, without

God = Metaphysical X

Watching you idiot atheists witlessly pinning your own lunatic
assumptions and irrational perceptions onto it then attempting to argue
against your very own deranged Frankenstein-like creation with utterly
b0rked illogic is a never-ending source of great hilarity.


Mar 8, 2010, 6:58:45 PM3/8/10

That's the first I've heard of that rumour!
Exactly how camp is he?

The godless one
a.a.# 2279
All gods are bespoke. They're all made to
perfectly fit the prejudices of their believer

Mar 8, 2010, 8:30:58 PM3/8/10
Yet another topic you will never, honestly, comprehend.


Mar 9, 2010, 5:30:44 PM3/9/10
On Mar 6, 3:22 am, "" <> wrote:
> On Mar 5, 6:57 am, Dangerous Nonconformist
> <danger...@nonconformist.c0m> wrote:
> > Mike Jones wrote:
> > > *There is no "divinity" or "god". Zero. Nada. Zip. None. Not one.*
> > > Nothing "varied and nebulous" about that, eh?
> > Well, yes, there is. Where is your proof?
> > Cough up.
> What is atheism :  It is a philosophical bias whereby One forces him/
> herself to be the god of his life rendering the real Creator null and
> void.

No no no.
Its not believing in gods.
Not beliving in their divinity or their existence or both.

Being godless. Without a god. Not worshiping a god.
G o d l e s s .

Get it ?



Mar 9, 2010, 5:31:19 PM3/9/10

Good though.



Mar 9, 2010, 5:54:41 PM3/9/10
In article
Richo <> wrote:

Theists, particularly the idiotically aggressive ones that one meets in
alt.philosophy, alt.atheism, talk.atheism or alt.agnosticism, are often
totally incapable of "getting it".

Since they believe so thoroughly in something, they cannot conceive of
anyone able merely not to believe in that thing. So they make up
something else which they then claim we must believe in.


Mar 9, 2010, 6:16:46 PM3/9/10
On Mar 10, 9:54 am, Virgil <Vir...@home.esc> wrote:
> In article
> <>,

>  Richo <> wrote:
> > On Mar 6, 3:22 am, "" <> wrote:
> > > On Mar 5, 6:57 am, Dangerous Nonconformist
> > > <danger...@nonconformist.c0m> wrote:
> > > > Mike Jones wrote:
> > > > > *There is no "divinity" or "god". Zero. Nada. Zip. None. Not one.*
> > > > > Nothing "varied and nebulous" about that, eh?
> > > > Well, yes, there is. Where is your proof?
> > > > Cough up.
> > > What is atheism :  It is a philosophical bias whereby One forces him/
> > > herself to be the god of his life rendering the real Creator null and
> > > void.
> > No no no.
> > Its not believing in gods.
> > Not beliving in their divinity or their existence or both.
> > Being godless. Without a god. Not worshiping a god.
> > G o d l e s s .
> > Get it ?
> > Mark.
> Theists, particularly the idiotically aggressive ones that one meets in
> alt.philosophy, alt.atheism, talk.atheism or alt.agnosticism, are often
> totally incapable of "getting it".
It is incredibly frustrating - but maybe just maybe - repetition will
break through for some of them.

> Since they believe so thoroughly in something, they cannot conceive of
> anyone able merely not to believe in that thing. So they make up
> something else which they then claim we must believe in.

Aye. Still some do wake up. It happens.



Mar 10, 2010, 11:39:53 AM3/10/10
On Mar 5, 4:22 pm, "" <> wrote:
> On Mar 5, 6:57 am, Dangerous Nonconformist
> <danger...@nonconformist.c0m> wrote:
> > Mike Jones wrote:
> > > *There is no "divinity" or "god". Zero. Nada. Zip. None. Not one.*
> > > Nothing "varied and nebulous" about that, eh?
> > Well, yes, there is. Where is your proof?
> > Cough up.
> What is atheism :  It is a philosophical bias whereby One forces him/
> herself to be the god of his life rendering the real Creator null and
> void. It is a personal secular religion based on incredible occurances
> such as materials and raw chemicals giving rise to highly complex
> personal things of design / pretending there is no ultimate meaning or
> purpose to the existence of the Cosmos or ones own life ... so

> maximized lifestyle choices including immoral ones that are labeled as
> 'fun'  can be enjoyed repeatedly to fill ego-centrical inner
> impulses .  From the moment one wakes up to the time he goes to

> sleep,  the entire day consists of playing a charade that all is
> useless, accidental, devoid of any ultimate meaning, and all that
> matters is getting ones needs met at virtually any cost ...because
> afterall,  this life is all about ONESELF , the god on the throne.
> In summary then, alleged atheism is a philosophy, a psychology, and a
> lifestyle religion which has a very captivating lure which
> superfically increases ones self esteem (and temporarily at that) .
> You may join a national atheist foundation where many others exhibit
> lives simular to yours , and a Member number will be assigned to you
> (IE:   AA # 1076   which makes you a significant Participant and one
> with (yes...)  purpose.

Absolute gibberish from start to finish.

There is no such position, nor philosophy as atheism.

It is a reflective term that would be utterly unnecessary if it were
not for idiots who believe in something called 'god' that they have
tried to ram down people's throats for millennia to justify their own


Mar 12, 2010, 3:54:50 PM3/12/10
On 3/6/2010 9:06 AM, wrote:
> On Mar 5, 7:26 pm, "Tronscend"<> wrote:
>> ""<> skrev i
>> On Mar 5, 6:57 am, Dangerous Nonconformist<danger...@nonconformist.c0m> wrote:
>>> Mike Jones wrote:
>> ....
>>> ........ so maximized lifestyle choices including immoral ones that are

>>> labeled as
>>> 'fun' can be enjoyed repeatedly to fill ego-centrical inner
>>> impulses .
>> Ha! There is hardly any more egotistical occupation than trying to secure
>> your entry into heaven. The life, plans, actions, thoughts and dreams of
>> Xians centres around maximizing personal profit, and not only in this life,
>> but for eternity. The difference is not in the "maximizing", but in the map
>> of the world according to which one drives. According to the Xian map, there
>> is a Cosmic Ringmaster dispensing carrots at the end of the race; other
>> people don't believe that, and hence arrange themselves as to the actual
>> circumstances, not the projected psychological needs of the five year old.
>>> From the moment one wakes up to the time he goes to
>>> sleep, the entire day consists of playing a charade that all is
>>> useless, accidental, devoid of any ultimate meaning, and all that
>>> matters is getting ones needs met at virtually any cost ...because
>>> afterall, this life is all about ONESELF
>> Well, there is hope, seeing that you are capable of reflection,
>> self-recognition etc.
>> T
>> .
> Theres no hope IN oneself . You need to fulfill your ultimate reason
> for being alive --- and the highest is none other than the Cosmos'
> Creator himself and his love for you. See the difference ? One is
> self centered via hedonism and freedom to live as you like...and the
> other is personally knowing the actual Creator and having a dynamic
> relationship with him that carries over beyond physical death. Do
> you want your 'fun' now in one basket, or, are you willing to
> experience something later that self-absorbing temporary ventures dont
> hold a candle too ?

Too stupid to live, aren't you Davie?

Apr 16, 2010, 4:28:10 PM4/16/10
On Mar 6, 9:08 am, Jimbo <> wrote:
> You lead a sad life.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

I lead a great life , filled with real hope for eternity...because I
know the One who fashioned this Universe into existence. Theres no
greater joy than knowing and surrending ones will to the will of God.
Nothing even comes close to it.


Apr 16, 2010, 4:31:48 PM4/16/10

What do you smoke, Dave?

Heather L.

Apr 16, 2010, 4:34:05 PM4/16/10

You could try buying a gimp mask and advertising for a proper dom...?



Apr 16, 2010, 4:51:23 PM4/16/10

That's disgustingly servile.


Apr 16, 2010, 5:25:09 PM4/16/10

No. The radioactive ones have 18 half-lives, though.


Syd M.

Apr 16, 2010, 5:35:33 PM4/16/10

Illusion, you mean.


Free Lunch

Apr 16, 2010, 5:39:04 PM4/16/10
On Fri, 16 Apr 2010 16:51:23 -0400, Olrik <> wrote in

And an offense to the English language. He horribly misuses the word
"know". I wonder if he says "yes" to mean "no", too.


Apr 16, 2010, 7:00:07 PM4/16/10
In article
"" <> wrote:

> I lead a great life, filled with real hope for eternity.

If those who hope for eternity were ever condemned to exist for
eternity, they would 'soon' find it hellishly boring.

Note that in such an eternity, the present lifetime of the known
universe is "soon".

John Baker

Apr 17, 2010, 1:34:41 AM4/17/10

Which, no doubt, is why you apparently spend the better part of it
trolling Usenet....

Billy “My-news” Ferrell

Oct 10, 2023, 1:41:25 PM10/10/23
On Friday, March 5, 2010 at 6:57:48 AM UTC-6, Dangerous Nonconformist wrote:
> Mike Jones wrote:
> > *There is no "divinity" or "god". Zero. Nada. Zip. None. Not one.*
> >
> > Nothing "varied and nebulous" about that, eh?
> Well, yes, there is. Where is your proof?
> Cough up.

Cough up Go
- Nero +
Is God The Divinity
No Proof Needed
Nothing To Be Seen

Now For What is atheism?

Atheism Is No Theism In Us
No Proof Needed
Nothing To Be Seen
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