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27/9 Sunday Soft Tissue Day!

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Eli Kesef

Dec 10, 2023, 1:45:55 AM12/10/23

Sunday Soft Tissue Day!

Yep. Those soft parts are here, and they are here to stay, and they are never going to go away.
The first such thing was found in 2006 in a T-rex, in which elastic pieces of tendon and flexible blood vessels containing hemoglobin were found:

Soft original dinosaur parts are now found in half of all dinosaur carcasses excavated:

And I will keep on rubbing those soft parts in your faces until they break through your brainwashing and cognitive dissonance. And then you too will see the light. Then you will exclaim: "How could we ever have been so crazy as to believe that a dinosaur carcass containing elastic tendons and supple blood vessels containing hemoglobin, that they had been laying underground for 200 million years?!
How could we ever have believed that a frog has turned into a prince?!
Verily; we were smitten with utter madness!"

And then of course there's the fact that EVERY dinosaur carcass tests positive for C14, which is impossible if they're over 100,000 years old.
They all test between 22,000 and 39,000 years, which is completely within the normal range for C14 testing.
If given these facts, you continue to maintain that those things have been underground for 200 million years, then you are as crazy as they come.

No need to thank me. I'm only doing my duty to be a light unto the nations.

And as a bonus, I throw in some hard parts. Do not be afraid; you don't have to pay extra for it. This is all labor of love! Pro deo!

Diamonds. The hardest natural substance in existence. Harder than the hardest steel. Harder than almost anything. So, if there's C14 in diamonds, we know it must have been there from the start, it's not leaking in or anything. So if there's C14 in diamonds, that would be rock solid evidence that those things are under 100,000 years old, rather than the billions of years the evolutionists claim.

So, as the evolutionists loudly claim; those diamonds are billions of years old, so there can't be any C14 in them at all. And that's why they will never test those things on C14.

But: Seek and ye shall find: creationists boldly go where no evolutionists have gone before.

But creationists know better, so they happily test those diamonds for C14, and here are the amazing results, confirmed in regular labs:

Diamonds: a creationist's best friend

Diamonds Have Carbon-14; Why Is This Important?

Carbon-14 in Fossils and Diamonds

Radiocarbon in Diamonds Confirmed

So once again rock solid proof that the timelines made up by the evolutionists of "billions of years" have to go out the window.

The bible is right again. Hallelujah!!
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