Iraq veteran assaulted by Oakland police at occupy protest

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Francis MARION

Oct 30, 2011, 6:22:45 PM10/30/11
to Talk Marion County 24/7
Marine Lance Corporal Scott Olsen, veteran of two combat tours of duty
in iraq, after surviving his overseas service uninjured, suffered
traumatic brain injury when shot in the head with a tear gas canister
by the oakland militarized police forces, whilst participating in a
non-violent 1st amendment guaranteed protest.

Whether you've read Jack London's "The Iron Heel" or George Orwell's
"1984", or neither, I doubt that anyone reading this is unfamiliar
with the terms and the realities of an ongoing ruling oligarchy,
rendering our quasi-democracy as a verfiable plutocracy. The wholesale
enslavement of the free american people by debt and slavewages, and
the militarization of our civilian peace officers of local police
departments has at last become so glaring and apparent that tens of
thousands of americans are waking up out of the former slumber enjoyed
for decades, thanks in largest part to cheap subsidized food and a
constant supply of circus games and distractions, whether it's
television, or gaming (at home, work, or by cellphone). Well, unlike
the Anonna bread alottment begun in the year 123 B.C. by roman
politicain Gaius Gracchus, combined with near daily gladiator games at
the Colosseum, the united states government has chosen to virtually
eliminate vital services to the poor, such as the american bread
allottments known as the supplemental nutritional assisstance program
(food stamps) and the low income heating energy assisstance program
(LIHEAP) which keep people from freezing to death thru the winter.

How long will the wealthiest four hundred households be able to
control the government and the military and continue to ruthlessly
enslave and impoverish the other three hundred seventy million
americans that somewhat obediaently bide their time in this united
state of america, once known as the united STATES of america? Either
we will defend our values, our self evident truths, our certain
inalienable rights endowed to us by our creator, or we will consign
our children, grandchildren and subsequent genreations to slavery,
incarceration, and execution without due process. Perhaps the bloody
question is moreover, how many of us are willing to fight and die for
a greedy and heartless corporate plutocracy that seeks only to
privatize profits and socialize their losses rather than defend the
core principles and rights of the people, by the people, for the
people, our country so boldly established?


Yonv Aniwodi a/k/a D.S.Anzelmo,Sr.,KyPLS#3753

Nov 1, 2011, 9:15:49 PM11/1/11
to Talk Marion County 24/7
Apparently he's going to have brain surgery to relieve the swelling...

Francis MARION

Nov 8, 2011, 9:03:41 AM11/8/11
to Talk Marion County 24/7
Another veteran, an Army Ranger returned safe and sound from multiple
combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan named Kayvan Subeghi, was
severly beaten and injured by the Oakland Police Dept in an unprovoked
and unjustified criminal assault by the peace officers against this
soldier and war hero. After suffering severe internal bleeding from a
lacerated spleen due to the four officers that clubbed him
mercilessly, he was not allowed to receive Hospital care for over
eighteen hours and suffered so much blood loss, he is still
hospitalized, this being nearly five days since (It happened late
wedensday night/early thursday morning).
So the oligarchs and plutocrats (blue bloods as it's called in
Kentuckinese) that own the big banks and the corporations must be
coddled, cajoled, and catered to, incessantly of course, or we could
face economic collapse, for they are too big too fail? Surely the
state and federal congressman, senators, and judiciary on the
corporate payroll can sustain this complete seige and assault on the
american people and our SOCIALIST form of government: OF THE PEOPLE,
BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE; and continue to erode and substitute it
with the current CAPITALIST form of government: OF THE MONEY, BOUGHT
BY THE RICH, FOR THE CORPORATIONS. I cannot imagine or enumerate any
vested interest that foreign multi-national corporations would have in
sustaining or promoting the general welfare, safety, or health of the
american people. Rather their sole purpose is to impoverish and
enslave the american people with debt and slave-wage jobs eviscerated
of any benefits or worker's rights, in the never-ending quest for more
market share, more profits, and more tax subsidies. Despite the
propagandized myth that the backbone of this nation is our
individualism, the truth is that we as a people and democracy, with
common interests and benefits built this nation together, which is now
an anemic and withered shell of its former experiment in democracy,
being bled dry by scores of parasitic corporations and banks.
Nearly each and every county in the fifty states is occupied with
large china-boxes, like Wal-Mart, Big Lots, K-mart, Dollar General, et
cetera, which have replaced our local butchers, bakers, and
candlestickmakers, with Butchery, Bakery, and Candles, LLC, PRC
(Peoples Republic of China). Instead of frequenting each others'
stores and paying for each others' services, we are now fortunate in
these times to hold a salve-wage job just to be able to buy cheap
chinese poison and junk, prodigiously produced by prisoners and young
children for pennies a day. As of July 1, 2011, the minumum wage "down-
under" is $15.51 per hour, in France it's about $9.00 per hour, in the
U.K. it's about $9.76 per hour (for workers over 21 yrs of age), and
here in the U.S. it is currently $7.25 per hour. I keep hearing in the
corporate press (ABC,CBS,NBC,FOX,CNN,CNBC,MSNBC) that we need more
jobs, as if that is the answer. If only we could restart this "growth
economy" or perhaps even eliminate the fedral minimum wage. This seems
as absurd to me as arguing that the problem with slavery in the
nineteenth century was that we didn't have enough plantations to
employ all the slaves, if only we had more masters and plantations!
Until we take back our trades, our occupations, our human rights
and workers rights, we are consigning our future, our children's
future, and our grandchildren's future, to complete and oppressive
slavery, devoid of any hope or liberation under the ever-tightening
neck-hold on our democracy the banks and corporations have.

Simply put, democracy is a small fish, and capitalism is a big fish,
and whereas democracies are relegated to small lakes and ponds,
capitalists swim the oceans, from one shore to the next, like schools
of piranha, with the banks being the biggest fish, the sharks that eat
the piranha and everything else. Given that the vast majority of our
newsprint, broadcast radio and television, and internet news sites are
overwhelmingly owned and consolidated with the anti-reality based
demands and interests of the ruling elite, it is becoming increasingly
difficult to discuss reality and the truth amongst a landscape of
propaganda and lies framing our debates, and debasing our core
principles and values as a compassionate and peaceful democratic
republic of human beings. I will not be an obedient consumer, or a
mindless drone, collecting what scrip the "comp'ny" will priviledge me
with, simply in order to distribute my hard-won "scrip" to every
corporate outlet in town, just to watch all of the blood, sweat, and
tears of a proud people, "SANS TACHE", quickly hauled away, never to

Do yourselves the service of learning or continuing to produce your
own food, whether gardening, cultivation, or hunting, as well as
practicing essential trades, such as sewing, carpentry, pottery,
plumbing, embalming, midwifery, Root-digging and Medicine-making, and
most importantly, printing and INDEPENDENT journalism.


Yonv Nvnohi Aniwodi Kvnivgihi
Bear of Trail of PaintClan of Kentucky

On Nov 1, 8:15 pm, ""
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