Rep. Eric Cantor vs. Tornado victims

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Francis MARION

May 28, 2011, 11:39:36 AM5/28/11
to Talk Marion County 24/7

The GOP's tough stance on tornado aid: 'Heartless'?

Eric Cantor says he won't OK aid money for Missouri tornado victims
unless Democrats agree to an equal amount of spending cuts. Goodbye,
"compassionate conservatism"?
posted on May 25, 2011, at 10:23 AM
Joplin, Mo., resident David Vanderhoofven (right), who lost his wife
and son in a deadly tornado, is comforted by a friend: As Congress
debates increasing disaster relief, the GOP insists on spending cuts

Joplin, Mo., resident David Vanderhoofven (right), who lost his wife
and son in a deadly tornado, is comforted by a friend: As Congress
debates increasing disaster relief, the GOP insists on spending cuts

In the wake of the murderous tornado in Joplin, Mo., plus other recent
natural disasters, the federal government may need to replenish its
disaster-relief accounts. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.)
says that, before his House GOP caucus would support such a funding
bill, it would have to be offset by spending cuts elsewhere. Is this
insistence on budget-slashing in the face of disaster "heartless," or
is ruthlessness necessary to turn the "tide of federal spending"?

The GOP's callousness is shocking: "I don't expect much from House
Republicans, but this has managed to actually surprise me," says Steve
Benen at Washington Monthly. When part of the country is devastated by
a deadly natural disaster, federal lawmakers "are expected to put
aside politics and ideology" and help, not hold the victims "ransom"
to their pet causes.
"Cantor demands spending-cut ransom for Missouri aid"

But cutting spending is the GOP's mission: Cantor is just faithfully
representing his caucus' views, says Stephen Dinan in The Washington
Times. Plus, Cantor has clearly learned a key lesson from former
Majority Leader Tom Delay (R-Texas), who "stumbled" and "took flak
from conservatives" for arguing that disaster relief for Hurricane
Katrina should be tacked onto the deficit.
"Cantor learns DeLay's lesson on disaster spending"

Well, voters were warned: No one should have "reacted with horror" to
Cantor's remarks, says David Dayen at Firedoglake. Republicans gave up
"compassionate conservatism" as a Bush-era failure, and their renewed
passion for small government essentially means "you're on your own,"
even in the face of disaster. So the fine folks of Joplin might have
to get ready to "rebuild their homes themselves." Elections have
"Republican 'you're on your own' policies catching up with them"

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