Important upcoming Better Choices/TBTC planning meeting and other info!

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Michael McCabe

Jun 7, 2010, 8:45:42 PM6/7/10
Hello everyone!
Many apologies if it has seemed as though the Take Back Trenton Coalition has been dormant! And, good news - the reality is quite the contrary! Simply put, we were waiting upon the larger Better Choices campaign to call a state-wide meeting for the purpose of addressing the pressing "what now?" question following the massive May 22nd mobilization, and I have some extremely promising news!
As many of you know, the Take Back Trenton Coalition's purpose has been to serve as a more radical, grassroots force within the broader context of the working class struggle in New Jersey. We have been working towards pushing the union establishment towards incorporating students and community members into their campaign for a just budget and equitable distribution of wealth in New Jersey based on a progressive tax system. On May 22nd, we saw an effort on behalf of the unions to begin branching out to a larger constituency, and following a state-wide planning meeting this last Monday, it appears as though many elements within the Better Choices coalition are taking up our call for disruptive protest and direct action against Chris Christie, the Republicans and the Democrats! As of now, we have no concrete plans, however, I am serving on the action committee along with several other folks embedded within community groups as well as labor and our initial discussions are very exciting!
Now, there is going to be another much larger state-wide planning meeting this Thursday, June 10th, at 6pm at the Rutgers New Brunswick labor center (room tba). I ask that each coalition partner organization send one or two representatives, as the Take Back Trenton Coalition is a partner of the Better Choices Coalition. Furthermore, I ask that each person who attends this meeting identifies themselves as a member of their org as well as a member of the TBTC because we have essentially become the block within the coalition that is representing the direct action line!
As of now, I see Thursday as being a sufficient meeting for our coalition, however, there is a possibility that we will need our own TBTC meeting which is why I am asking you all to mark this upcoming Sunday at 2pm as a possible meeting at Rutgers NB for the Take Back Trenton Coalition.
Furthermore, please note that between Sunday June 13th and June 30th are being looked at as a prime window for mobilization. Therefore, it would be great if you can put your respective organizations on notice for action! As of now, the TBTC is organizing a Northern NJ action which will likely be based in or around Newark on the weekend of Friday the 18th. This action will be in solidarity will several other groups throughout the state. There will also be a Democratic Party fundraising event on Monday, June 21st which we are planning to target (place and time tba). Concrete details for these and other actions are being worked out so stay tuned and PLEASE spread the word about Thursday's meeting to other organizations you are connected with!
Thanks and in solidarity,
Mike mccabe
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