{takebacktheland.org} Police attempt to swarm Toledo FDL Home- May 5

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Take Back the Land

May 5, 2010, 5:48:40 PM5/5/10
to take-back...@googlegroups.com
At approximately 1:00EST, the Wood County Sherrif's department swarmed the property of Keith Sadler, shutting off the power and threatening arrests before media cameras showed. Just as quickly, police moved out. The presence, quick thinking and plan of the Toledo Foreclosure League (TFDL) successfully defended the Sadler home from eviction. No arrests were made, but as they pulled out, police announced they would be back.

Get the full story and the first pictures from takebacktheland.org. Additional picture updates, and possibly video, are coming soon.

The Toledo Foreclosure Defense League (TFDL) has been defending the home of Keith Sadler from foreclosure related eviction. Sadler and supporters sealed themselves in the home in order to prevent eviction, which was scheduled for May 3. Police refused to execute the eviction as the TFDL held a press conference and media awaited the police. This story has made national news in hundreds of newspapers and tv newscasts. The TFDL is supported by the Take Back the Land Movement and this defense is a part of the May 2010 National Month of Action.

The Take Back the Land Movement re-asserts support for the TFDL and the valiant struggle for housing as a human right by defending families from eviction.

We call on people to immediately call the Wood County Sherrif at 419-354-9001 and demand an end to the raid of the Sadler Home.

The TFDL is an autonomous organization which is also a part of the Take Back the Land Movement. The action is part of the May 2010 National Month of Action to demand the human right to housing, called for by the Take Back the Land Movement (takebacktheland.org). The Take Back the Land Movement is provided staff and technical support by the US Human Rights Network (USHRNetwork.org). The May Month of actions are expected in at least twelve (12) US cities and include housing takeovers and the defense of families facing eviction. The Movement is comprised of dozens of organizations and partners, notably the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign (PPEHRC- economichumanrights.org).  

Defending the fundamental human right to housing is challenging work and cannot be done without resources. Please visit takebacktheland.org or the ushrnetwork.org and donate generously today.


Max Rameau

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