Take-A-Hike: 2/1, 10am - Singles Hike at Franklin Canyon

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Tony B

Jan 31, 2020, 6:43:27 PM1/31/20
to Take-A-Hike LA

WHERE: Franklin Canyon (Off of Coldwater Canyon at Mulholland)
WHEN: SATURDAY, 2/1 at 10am (leave parking area at 1015am)

We are keeping it central this weekend and going to a favorite - Franklin Canyon.

Many of you have asked for a SINGLES hike, well, here you have it. If you are single, this is a hike to attend to meet Mr. Right. Tell your single friends that like to hike, and if you're in a relationship bring a single friend and play matchmaker. The idea is to make this more of a mix and mingle kinda hike, since it is just 10 days before Valentine's day (no pressure).

This is one of the greener hikes in LA, trees, views, and clear blue sky. Saturday should be a beautiful hike. As many of you film/TV buffs already know this location was a favorite in Beverly Hills is where they filmed the opening credits to the Andy Griffith show, and many other TV/Movies looking for Colorado/Mountain type feel. This location also has a famous past from being featured in Fim/TV: Franklin Pond is the Black Lagoon featured in the film "The Creature from the Black Lagoon". In addition, scenes from other horror films - Nightmare on Elm Street and Silence of the Lambs were filmed here.

So, let's enjoy it... and BRING A FRIEND and Water!
Feel free to bring your Furry Friend! (A.K.A. = DOG FRIENDLY HIKE / Leashes Recommended)

The hike is approx, 2 hours, and covers moderate elevations gains over the 5-6 mile trail. One part of the hike (a favorite of mine) is a 1/2 mile decent on a single track trail - some of us run it, others hike down. This is a great hike to check out, and a nice alternate to Runyon.

DIRECTIONS TO HIKE BELOW: (Make complete stops at all stop signs once in park, they have cameras and the fine is $100+ for not stopping)

Coming from Beverly Hills / Sunset Blvd - Going west on Sunset or Santa Monica Blvd, Take Beverly Drive north, until it turns into Coldwater Canyon, go up the hill to Mulholland, take a left at top of hill (opposite direction than Tree People Center), turn down Franklin Canyon Road. It says "No Through Street", well, that is an #alternativefact, it leads into the park. Go down the hill and you will enter Franklin Canyon, mind the speed limits "15 MPH". You will come to a parking area, please meet there.

Coming from Valley -
Take Coldwater Canyon Drive, south to Mulholland, right at top of hill(opposite direction than Tree People Center), turn down Franklin Canyon Road. It says "No Through Street", well, that is an #alternativefact, it leads into the park. Go down the hill and you will enter Franklin Canyon, mind the speed limits "15 MPH". You will come to a parking area, please meet there.

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