Taiga 6: How to enable LDAP based login?

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Feb 19, 2021, 1:02:09 PM2/19/21
to taigaio
Hi there!

I ugraded my Taiga 5 installation successfully to Taiga 6 now with docker containers. When I logged in with the default admin user I can see all my projects. Ok.

Now I wanted to install the LDAP support, so I first followed the instructions on:

...downloaded copy of "config.py.prod.example", renamed, edited, mapped it
...same for conf.json...

Then I installed the LDAP support as described on:

...edited the mapped config.py
...edited the mapped conf.json
...opened a console to taiga-back container and installed taiga-contrib-ldap-auth:
pip install taiga-contrib-ldap-auth

After this I did a "docker-compose down" followed by "docker-compose up -d".

Now I cannot connect to my taiga server any more. The Chrome console shows:

(index):11 GET https://mytaiga.de/v-1613134119076/styles/theme-taiga.css net::ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH 200 (OK)
(index):127 GET https://mytaiga.de/v-1613134119076/js/libs.js net::ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH 200 (OK)
(index):128 GET https://mytaiga.de/v-1613134119076/js/templates.js net::ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH 200 (OK)
app-loader.js:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined
    at app-loader.js:1
    at app-loader.js:1
(anonymous) @ app-loader.js:1
(anonymous) @ app-loader.js:1

Then I reverted all changes:
...unmapped the files in docker-compose.yml
...unmapped the files in docker-compose-inits.yml
restarted the containers with 
docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d

But the error persists!

How can I revert the changes? Delete the taiga-back container and docker-compose-up? Same with the front container? 

Is there an official way to enable LDAP support?

Best regards




Feb 19, 2021, 2:37:03 PM2/19/21
to taigaio
I could revert the changes. The problem was the multiple copies of volumes due to restarting the containers. Filled up all space...
I pruned all unused volumes an restarted the containers.

But the main question stays the same... how to enable LDAP for Taiga 6 in docker containers?

Yamila Moreno

Feb 22, 2021, 8:54:14 AM2/22/21
to ThorstenH, taigaio
Hi Thorstenh, you can extend the official image and add the ldap plugin.

FROM taigaio/taiga-back:latest

# your additions

You can check the Dockerfile in the `docker` directory to have more context.


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Logo Kaleidos Yamila Moreno Suárez
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Gerrit Bonn

May 27, 2021, 8:22:16 AM5/27/21
to taigaio
Hello Yamila, thanks for chiming in on this! Would it be possible to get a step-by-step guide on how to do this on a fresh Taiga 6 installation?

Angel Docampo

Sep 9, 2022, 8:42:56 AM9/9/22
to taigaio

I'm currently stuck at Taiga 4 because it works well with my AD. I've tried last year to upgrade it to Taiga 5 but it was a hell of a mess due to OS upgrades and other stuff.
Now I see there is a proper way to install Taiga 6 with docker-compose, and I've already tested the system and imported successfully some Taiga 4 projects into Taiga 6 without any other problem than "unknown" users (obviously).

I would like to know as well how to extend the docker to add LDAP support.
I guess I need to avoid official documentation to set up Taiga with Docker, and build my image myself, but I do not even find that Dockerfile you're speaking about.

Don't really need a step-by-step, but could you please deep in your explanation?


David Barragán

Sep 9, 2022, 10:06:43 AM9/9/22
to Angel Docampo, taigaio
Hi Angel,

every Dokerfile is in its repository (/docker directory). For example, to add the ldap plugin you need to modify taiga-back and taiga-front Dokerfiles.


You can download (or clone and download) the repositories, apply your changes and compile the images with, for example:

cd taiga-back/
docker build --no-cache -f docker/Dockerfile -t taigaio/taiga-back-with_ldap:latest .

cd taiga-front/
docker build --no-cache -f docker/Dockerfile -t taigaio/taiga-front-with_ldap:latest .

The interesting part for your purposes is how the contribs packages are installed, with pip on taiga-back and with svn on taiga-front.

In these two directories you will find the files to manage the configuration and how to expose and read the different values from the environment variables.

I hope this information helps you.

Best regards

Logo Kaleidos David Barragán Merino
Engineer & Co-founder 

Angel Docampo

Sep 9, 2022, 10:36:37 AM9/9/22
to taigaio
Muchísimas gracias David!

I'll try this and report back!


David Barragán

Sep 12, 2022, 3:09:04 PM9/12/22
to Angel Docampo, taigaio
You are welcome :-)

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