NullPointerException when sharing HTMLSchema

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Joe Humphreys

Dec 19, 2012, 9:39:49 PM12/19/12
Hi. I have some server code in which different threads create Parsers using a shared (static) copy of an HTMLSchema. Since we always set the ignoreBogons feature, there shouldn't be any changes to the data in the Schema after it's created. However, we often see this error:

at org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup.Element.<init>(
at org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup.Parser.setup(
at org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup.Parser.parse(

Which would seem to indicate that theSchema.getElementType("<root>")  returned null. 

I cannot reproduce this in development, though it happens regularly in production. I've looked at this code about 600 times and cannot see how this could happen.

I found this somewhat related issue ( but it's duped to another issue that indicates it was fixed by turning on ignoreBogons.

 Anyone have any ideas?

Joe H

John Cowan

Dec 20, 2012, 4:51:56 PM12/20/12
to Joe Humphreys,
Joe Humphreys scripsit:

> Hi. I have some server code in which different threads create Parsers
> using a shared (static) copy of an HTMLSchema. Since we always set
> the ignoreBogons feature, there shouldn't be any changes to the data
> in the Schema after it's created.

I have nothing to suggest except not to use a shared copy. I have come
to believe that shared schemas were a mistake, and I will probably remove them
from TagSoup in a future release. They are penny-wise pound-foolish.

John Cowan
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