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Enter does not close the window for me

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Robert Livingston

Dec 18, 2011, 12:30:41 PM12/18/11
to Tags Users

Tag a file

Bring up a Finder window by selecting the Finder in the Dock.
Select a file or folder you want to tag.
Press the keyboard shortcut Control-Space Bar in order to open the Tag-
Start entering a tag that you want to assign.
Press Enter to accept the tag. The text will be displayed as a blue
Close the window by pressing Enter again or be clicking the close


I have a problem in that I "press Enter again" but the window does not
close so I have to close the window each time with the mouse. Does
anyone else see this?

I just acquired Tags so I am a newbie.

Robert Livingston

Dec 18, 2011, 12:37:28 PM12/18/11
to Tags Users
Well, I restarted Tags and now it works. I had never quit the program
before - it was my first use.

Also the recent tags show up in the window which was not happening
before. I guess that my problems had to do with the program first
getting itself set up

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