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Where does "Tags" store of file information

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Sep 22, 2011, 8:40:30 AM9/22/11
to Tags Users
I use two computers - an iMac and a MacBook. Each device saves the
"tags" accordingly but the information is not shared. Where does the
stored data reside? Can it be changed to cloud based? I use DropBox
and and wonder if the information can be saved there so there would be
one database or saved "tags" location for easier reference.

All ideas and comments are welcomed. Thanks

Martin (Gravity)

Sep 25, 2011, 7:00:13 AM9/25/11
to Tags Users
All tagging information is stored in extended attributes. This is
similar to color labels and spotlight comments in Finder. Extended
attributes are a feature of the Mac OS X file system (HFS).

Therefore other file systems will not support these attributes and
therefore they may get lost.

As long as you copy files from one Mac to another, or to Mac
filesystems (HFS) all your tags are transferred as well.
Additionally we keep a backup list where we store which tags are
assigned to which files. These backup can be used to restore tags

Dropbox copies them as well.

On Sep 22, 2:40 pm, PastaDNA <>

Chris Mear

Sep 25, 2011, 7:42:29 AM9/25/11
to, Tags Users
On 25 Sep 2011, at 12:00, "Martin (Gravity)" <> wrote:

> All tagging information is stored in extended attributes. This is
> similar to color labels and spotlight comments in Finder. Extended
> attributes are a feature of the Mac OS X file system (HFS).


> Additionally we keep a backup list where we store which tags are
> assigned to which files. These backup can be used to restore tags
> again.

Out of interest, is this backup a Tags-specific thing, or is it a general OpenMeta feature?



Sep 29, 2011, 3:39:17 AM9/29/11
to Tags Users
How do i restore tags from the backup (Bookmarks.plist)?
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