But for Taiwanese, the romanization of 子 is much simpler
“位子”is simply "wizu'' . But to be correct, it is 位 instead of 位子. In this case, 子 is meaningless and strictly a "Mandarin thing"
A succinct word 位(wi) is the perfect and needs 子。 It is wrong to say 位子 in Taiwanese.
的,得,地 = de
德 = Deu = Germany
德 = deu = ethics; morality; virtue
Deu Guo = Germany = Deutschland
(ee shows 2 closed eyes)
睡=shwee=to sleep
閉=bee=to close
面麵=mièn=face; surface; side; flour
mien=all MIAN's with 3rd tone
mień=all MIAN's 2nd tone
I will look for some more when I have time.
I was writing çu for 去 but now I think cų or something similar to cų
is better.