A look at homophone triplets in English

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Jul 12, 2010, 4:04:32 PM7/12/10
to tadpolenese
It is interesting to see how English treats homophones. Here are some

to too two
or oar ore
your you're yore
rite right write (silent w)
ere air heir (silent h)
pare pair pear
heel heal he'll
need knead kneed (silent k)
their there they're
meat meet mete
scent sent cent (soft c)
scents cents sense

The English language uses all manner of mechanisms to distinguish the
homophones. There is no obvious system or standardized technique.

Perhaps to someone new to English, some of the spellings seem odd.
But no one I know of complains about the spelling of words like TWO
and RIGHT. People find them perfectly acceptable. The last word
SENSE even has an optional t sound according to the Merriam-Webster
dictionary - sen(t)s. There is clearly no T present in sense. The
flexibility of English spelling and its complete acceptance in English-
speaking countries is indeed amazing.


Jul 18, 2010, 2:34:39 PM7/18/10
to tadpolenese
More Homophones:

First of all, I would like to show you a quadruplet!

rite right write wright

for four fore
sac sack sacque
cite site sight
so sew sow
burrow burro borough
new knew gnu (silent k, silent g)
neigh nay née

I think it is important to see some more examples with silent h, g, k,
p, or w.
time thyme (silent h)
rime rhyme (silent h)
nice gneiss (silent g)
night knight (silent k)
no know (silent k)
nap knap (silent k)
shaw pshaw (silent p)

ring wring
rye wry
rest wrest
reek wreak
rap wrap
riley wryly
rung wrung
rote wrote
rack wrack

Now you can see how it's done in English. If these sorts of things
can be done in English, they can be done in any Chinese dialect.
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