NetBSD syzbot: failed to create VM pool

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Taylor R Campbell

не прочитано,
29 мар. 2023 г., 02:30:2029.03.2023
– Aleksandr Nogikh,
I'm trying to use syzbot to test a fix for the following issue:

However, both times I tried (once with the patch accidentally missing,
once with the patch), syzbot failed to actually test anything; instead
it reported:

failed to create VM pool: failed to create GCE image: create image operation failed: &{Code:QUOTA_EXCEEDED ErrorDetails:[0xc000628640] Location: Message:Quota 'IMAGES' exceeded. Limit: 325.0 globally. ForceSendFields:[] NullFields:[]}.

Is something wrong with the syzbot setup? Do some old images need to
be cleaned up?


Aleksandr Nogikh

не прочитано,
29 мар. 2023 г., 04:02:4529.03.2023
– Taylor R Campbell,
Thank you very much for reporting this issue!
I've increased the quota and cleaned up some old images, now it should
be working fine.


Taylor R Campbell

не прочитано,
29 мар. 2023 г., 05:39:5229.03.2023
– Aleksandr Nogikh,
> Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2023 10:02:31 +0200
> From: Aleksandr Nogikh <>
> Thank you very much for reporting this issue!
> I've increased the quota and cleaned up some old images, now it should
> be working fine.

Awesome, thanks!
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