Several post-doc positions available at the Paris Brain Institute (ICM) for new DBS project

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Jul 13, 2024, 5:25:44 AM (3 days ago) Jul 13

Dear all, 


A new multidisciplinary project recently kicked-off at the Paris Brain Institute (ICM), called DBS - From genetic mutations to motor defects & recovery:


We are now recruiting for 8 post-doc positions that will be shared between 2 labs at the ICM. Below, you can find more information about DBS and links to the job postings.



A motor circuit approach linking genes to behavior in Parkinson’s disease


DBS is an exciting collaborative, interdisciplinary and multi-species initiative at the Paris Brain Institute. By bridging approaches from human genetics, cellular neurobiology, computational approaches, physiology of motor circuits from genetic model organisms to humans, our aim is to build novel strategies to stimulate resilient motor circuits in Parkinson’s disease.

The originality of the DBS project lies in its interdisciplinary approach involving duos of researchers from different fields of neuroscience with very different backgrounds who will closely train the next generation of postdoctoral fellows.


Collective Interest Projects (CIPs) - Collaborative, interdisciplinary, innovative & transformative


We are now recruiting postdoctoral fellows dedicated to individual Collective Interest Projects, co-supervised by experts from diverse fields. These early-career researchers will receive interdisciplinary training, spanning genetics, cellular physiology, imaging, optogenetics, behavior, or modeling. We offer world class research facilities and double supervision from leaders across fields of neuroscience. You would be part of a dynamic community of young researchers within a highly collaborative environment!


The job postings (still missing one):



All positions are also available here:


Best wishes,


Joana Guedes


Joana Guedes, PhD

Project Manager

International Philanthropy Manager


Institut du Cerveau – Paris Brain Institute

Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière 47, bd de l'Hôpital – CS 21414 - 75646 Paris Cedex 13

Tèl. + 33(0)1 57 27 44 18


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