Map multiple (sub) modules to single file?

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May 9, 2016, 5:21:24 AM5/9/16
to SystemJS
I wrote a library in TypesSript and compiled it to a single JavaScript file in the System/Register format, which now contains multiple modules.


System.register("mylib/collection", ["mylib/base", "mylib/exception", "mylib/event"], function(exports_25, context_25) {
System.register("mylib/ui/control", ["mylib/ui/core", "mylib/ui/container"], function(exports_28, context_28) {

In a second project i want to use that library. So i could do:

import * as mylib from 'mylib';
import Button = mylib.ui.control.Button;
import List = mylib.collection.List;

But i would like to write the following instead:

import {Button} from 'form/ui/control';
import {List} from 'form/collection';

But the latter won't work, because SystemJS tries to load the module 'mylib/ui/control' from //mylib/ui/control.js instead of //mylib.js. How do i tell SystemJS that it should look up this sub modules inside mylib.js?

Guy Bedford

May 15, 2016, 7:35:58 PM5/15/16
to, SystemJS
If you load the built file with a script tag in the page before loading your own project code, then those module will be defined into the SystemJS module registry already and there won't be any spearate file requests for them.

Alternatively you can use bundles configuration to load the bundle on-demand.

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