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For example, Midgley (below) talks about the 4 waves of systems
thinking, I can't remember exactly but something like mechanism to
systems thinking, observation to intervention, theories of everything
to theoretical pluralism. Last time I looked "power" was a big
concern, see Ulrich - Critical Systems Heuristics. Not including
Bateson feels strange to me, I mean he goes from the Macy conferences
to inventing family systems therapy. Schwartz and Olgelvy (sp?) in
Lincoln and Guba book is foundational from a critique of scientific
beliefs and presentation of an alternative approach that leads to the
foundation of many systems approaches.
Man I don't know, there is so much to include. Maybe its best to
change the title to something like "Overview of Engineering-Oriented
System Science".
Systemic Intervention: Philosophy, Methodology, and Practice, Gerald
Midgley, Kluwer Academic, 2000
Naturalistic Inquiry. Lincoln, Y.S. & Guba, E.G., Sage,Newbury Park,
CA, 1985.
On Oct 21, 3:04 pm, James Martin <martin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I would like to get your comments on this article titled "Overview of System
> Science" from SEBOK draft version 0.5.
> We need your comments by Nov 21st so I can integrate these into a single
> submission to the SEBOK author team in early December. Please make changes
> in the attached Word version with Revisions mode turned on. *
> Please return a marked up Word document to me by Monday, November 21st.*
> This article is located here:http://www.bkcasewiki.org/index.php/Overview_of_System_Science
> --
> James
> Overview_of_System_Science.doc
> 104KViewDownload
James: This SS article seems to lack a real purpose (focus) for the most part. One approach is to write a statement about how systems science thinking underlays most (all?) of the approaches that systems engineers use to perform SE. The derivation of the history of SS is not going to be a very useful topic for 99% of SE practitioners. I do not anticipate the use of any of the material I see so far in building test questions for the certification of CSEPs to cite one practical use of the SEBOK as an eventual replacement for the SE Handbook. Of course, one major use of the SEBOK is to drive the education of future SE practitioners at both the undergraduate and the graduate levels. I think that readers of an overview of SS need to understand how it relates to use by SE practitioners, not how the article provides a rigorous description of SE thinking processes. So my question is this: Who is the intended reader of the article on SS? Can we please let the reader leave with a practical understanding of how this information will improve his SE practice? Put the history of SS and the development of SE methodology into an appendix so that it is not lost. Regards, Dave
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Contributions to the discussion are licensed by authors under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
James: I think that some in the certification arena look for the SEBOK to replace the SE Handbook eventually. That said, we don’t need to worry about what the Certification Program does in the future. I am thinking of an introduction that works on several layers – one a general orientation to the subject for all SEs and then a deeper tie-in to the more rigorous structure of SS for those who want to pursue the subject. If I get time in the next several days, I will try to give you some words. To paraphrase the current “99%” activities, I don’t think that most SEs would spend time looking at the subject of SS at the level this article begins with. Hence a multilevel approach. Good question to ask is: Who is our audience? Dave