Dear James
You are invited to attend our mini-symposium this saturday:
Title: Exploring the ISSS purpose using Critical Systems Heuristics
The purpose of the sessions of May is to showcase our systems practice in a way that makes the different methodologies we use more comparable. We invite contributions on any topic concerning any aspect that will benefit the ISSS as society to demonstrate the practical application of your selected process / methodology. In order to open the discussions in comparing different methodologies we invited speakers to:
(a) explain the aim and purpose of your specific initiative;
(b) briefly explain their methodological approach and the science and practice behind it;
(c) explore similarities, differences, and possible complementarities between their methodology and others.
On Saturday 6 May Roelien Goede will provide a demonstration of this initiative with a talk according to the structure provided above on the application of Critical Systems Heuristics as methodology for practicing Critical Systems Thinking. The application area of the ISSS she will focus on is the purpose stated on the website:
The initial purpose of the society was "to encourage the development of theoretical systems which are applicable to more than one of the traditional departments of knowledge," with the following principal aims:
to investigate the isomorphy of concepts, laws, and models in various fields, and to help in useful transfers from one field to another;
to encourage the development of adequate theoretical models in areas which lack them;
to eliminate the duplication of theoretical efforts in different fields; and
to promote the unity of science through improving the communication among specialists.
Biographical information
Roelien Goede is Professor and Research Director of the Unit for Data Science and Computing, North-West University, South Africa. Her research interest is in Critical Systems Thinking applied to Business Intelligence and Programming Education. She has a keen interest in research paradigms focusing on the application of Action Research in Information Systems Research. She received distinguished teaching awards for her teaching of Computer Programming.
She has published in journals such as Systemic Practice and Action research, Systems Research and Behavioural Science (SRBS), Journal of Transdisciplinary Studies and Communications of Computer and Information Science.
She holds a PhD in Information Technology from the University of Pretoria, South Africa. Her PhD, awarded in 2005, was on Systems Thinking in Decision Support Systems. She has supervised 7 PhD students and 16 Master’s students to completion. She holds a C2 rating from the National Research Foundation of South Africa.
She is the current president of the International Society for Systems Sciences.
Time Slot on a Saturday:
San Francisco: 7 AM on a Saturday
New York: 10 AM on a Saturday
London, UK: 3 PM on a Saturday
Central Europe: 4 PM on a Saturday
South Africa: 4 PM on a Saturday
Sydney: Midnight on Sunday 7th