actual names and links for my developer picks

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Derek Underwood

Mar 25, 2010, 9:37:26 PM3/25/10
to Syracuse Area CocoaHeads
1. iPhone Simulator Cropper

Automates the task of preparing iphone app screenshots for use on the
app store, or to share with co-developers, or to prepare marketing
images that include the physical body of the iphone/ipod touch itself
(with or without reflection).

2. Corona

This is not a Cocoa related development tool, but it is meant to be a
quick way to create complex graphical apps on the iPhone, especially
games, and makes use of Lua-based wrappers for Cocoa Touch and OpenGL
ES functionality. I have not used it and for Cocoa programmers it is
probably not terribly valuable, but it looks interesting and seems to
avoid the issues that Adobe is having, or will have, with their Flash-
>iPhone app conversion tools to build iPhone apps that apparently
violate Apple's development rules.

Michael Fey

Mar 26, 2010, 8:48:26 AM3/26/10
Excellent, thanks Derek.

Developer Picks
Here are the rest of the picks from last night:
Dark-room (iTunes Store link)

Objective-C and Cocoa Resources
Adam, here are some of the books that were mentioned last night:

I know there were a few others mentioned but they aren't coming to mind at the moment. Please respond with your book suggestion if you have one.

Also, here is Apple's Objective-C language spec:

CocoaHeads Open Source Project
For those of you that weren't at the meeting last night we discussed the idea of starting up our own open source project to use as a learning and teaching vehicle. We wanted to start off with something small of scope that had a lot of potential to for future expansion. The idea that we arrived at last night was a simple todo list.

At the next meeting we will begin the project by designing the data model, implementing a basic working version of the app, and uploading it to github. While we can always change the data model down the road, start thinking of things that we might want to keep track of with this app and what future enhancements can we plan for now. For instance, we might have a ToDoItem data object that has a name, creation date, and due date; but what else could it contain? Location data? Assigned people? Brainstorm some additions to the data model and we'll get them in next month.

See you all then,
Chief CocoaHead

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Adam Crafter

Mar 27, 2010, 1:24:18 PM3/27/10
I found two of the books you recommended at the ONLib public library and they are on the way to me.

Thank you,

Michael Fey

Mar 27, 2010, 2:07:59 PM3/27/10
Good luck, let us know if you have any questions!
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