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Jul 31, 2007, 2:29:12 AM7/31/07
to syntaxhighlighter

I've been using server side syntax highlighter solutions and wanted a
js one. I discovered this amazing piece of software and I think it is

Sorry if this is alredy discussed...

IMHO, the lack of xhtml support (<pre> doesn't have an attribute
'name' in XHTML, so it is not valid) is a great disadvantage as it is
necessary for the project to succeed.

I think it would be better to look for code inside code tags
(<pre><code> var a; </code></pre>) rather than simple pre tags for the
sake of semantics, or giving the user the option to look for code
within any element, searching by class name (e.g. <div class="code

Changes in the code would be minimal. It took me 5 minutes to get the
uncompressed js file changed so that it works like this:

window.onload = function(){
dp.SyntaxHighlighter.ClipboardSwf = '/swf/clipboard.swf';
/* 'code' being the class of the <code> elements I want to
highlight */

In the xhtml, the code element has 2 classes, the first indicates that
the element must be highlighted, and the second indicates the

<code class="code js">

var foo = function(){ return 'bas'; };


By the way, it would be cool to automatically include the language
files as needed instead of including them manually.

Congratulations again for the great job.

Best Regards,


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