Soldering Workshop with the Simon Says Kit

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Apr 23, 2013, 3:01:12 PM4/23/13
There are still plenty of spots open for the next soldering workshop on Wednesday May 1st, 6:30pm.

Soldering Workshop with the Simon Says Kit

Whether you are just learning how to solder, want to brush up on your soldering skills, or a veteran pro who just wants to come down and put together a kit with their fellow geeks and help others in their soldering endeavours, you will have fun assembling the SparkFun Simon Says through-hole soldering kit during this self paced soldering workshop.

All components are through-hole, making this kit a great place to start when you're learning to solder. When building this kit, you'll have a chance to solder a 28-pin microprocessor, LEDs, battery clips and more. 

Once you've assembled the kit, you not only have a fun to play Simon Says game, you have a development platform with 5 outputs (LEDs and buzzer), 5 inputs (buttons), and serial for debugging.

The cost of the class is $30, and includes the SparkFun Simon Says through-hole soldering kit
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