yes. the gmail contact user interface gives me no indication of
anything odd at all. When I go to create an email with a gmail group,
it inserts all of the email addresses from the group, but some of the
people I've recently emailed get their name inserted again with no
email address. Then I have to go in manually and remove that name and
<>. It makes groups almost useless to me.
I agree that it may be a gmail issue that is unrelated to Syncman. I
only noticed the problem happening shortly after I started syncing
with Syncman, though, and that's why I still think it is related to
On Aug 4, 2:12 am, Jeff Nichols <> wrote:
> I can't see how Syncman could be causing this. Sounds more like a
> Gmail issue, but I'll try to reproduce the problem. Have you checked
> your Gmail contacts for duplicates entries within those groups?
> Jeff
> --
> Jeff Nichols
> Wateree Softwarehttp://