QueryBuilder setLocale()

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Feb 18, 2016, 6:49:56 PM2/18/16
to symfony-cmf-devs
Hi guys,
I have to retrieve all documents filtered by locale via QueryBuilder.

this is the scenario:

I have a Document translatable (translator="attribute") and this are locales defined in config.yml:

en: []
- en

default locale is 'en'.

Currently I have 3 documents, two of which are translated in 'it' and one of this is not translated.

So when i try to fetch document filtered by locale 'it' I get 3 documents, also the document not translated.

This is the query:

$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('v');
->document('AppBundle\Document\Visit', 'v')

$results = $qb->getQuery()->execute();

How can I retrieve only documents with $locale setted via setLocale()?

David Buchmann

Feb 18, 2016, 9:44:18 PM2/18/16
to symfony-...@googlegroups.com
hi neoomy,

setLocale is to tell the query builder what language you prefer. it does
not prevent language fallback if there is no translation. for that, you
need to cheat a bit: find a field in your Visit document that is
translated, then add a WHERE criteria for the translation.

for example, lets assume there is a $title property that is translated:

WHERE phpcr_locale:it-title IS NOT NULL

for completeness: if you use child translations, the query would be:

INNER JOIN [nt:unstructured] AS c ON ISCHILDNODE(c, u)
AND NAME(c) = 'phpcr_locale:$locale'
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Feb 19, 2016, 4:48:19 PM2/19/16
to symfony-cmf-devs
Hello David,
thanks for the reply. Now I more clearly.
My question now is how to write a query, you can suggest how to write it?

David Buchmann

Feb 19, 2016, 4:57:05 PM2/19/16
to symfony-...@googlegroups.com
i wrote a query fragment in my answer. in querybuilder, it would look
like this i think:

$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('v');
->document('AppBundle\Document\Visit', 'v')

fieldIsset expands to query for the field in the requested language
only, if i read the code correctly. if this does not work, look at the
generated sql2 query in the debug toolbar.


Feb 19, 2016, 5:25:34 PM2/19/16
to symfony-cmf-devs
Thank you! it's work now.
there are only some fix to your code:
- close where() with end()
- set the alias in fieldIsset()

->document('AppBundle\Document\Visit', 'v')
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