a few questions about files

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Mar 28, 2011, 3:03:12 PM3/28/11
to symbianbible
Again I would like to say that I love this Bible aplication. How will
I find out about updates and new files when googlegroups says you
can't upload files anymore? Second, how do I convert a "rar" or other
file into a PDB file? There are some bible files like the contempary
Inglish Bible that are not PDB, I am sure it can be done but how?
Finily, anyone know of any bBible dictionaries or comentaries that
work with S60 Bible?

ericko tandayu

Mar 28, 2011, 9:11:23 PM3/28/11
to symbia...@googlegroups.com
Hey Jeff...The .rar file are not to be converted..its a compressed file, so you could use winrar to extract the .pdb file inside of it.
google the winrar (free) and install it in your pc/laptop, then voila. :)


From: jeffjeff <jjwcristi...@gmail.com>
To: symbianbible <symbia...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Tue, March 29, 2011 2:03:12 AM
Subject: [symbianbible] a few questions about files
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