Can you try downloading this:
And instead of using "update bible list", use "Open Bible File" and
select the bible that you want to open.
> Symbian ^ 3 (Nokia N8) and maybe you could update the application icon
> if you are so kind ...
What is wrong with the current icon? does it look bad in Symbian^3
It requires quite a lot of code to be added. And now that symbian will
move from AVKON to Qt, I am not sure if I will add that feature.
It seems the problem is not on the place that I thought it would be. I
don't have much time now to track the bug, my fist son was just born a
week ago.
Yes, sure. It would be great if someone want to start the port. I will
be happy to help if you have any question about the PDB format. I have
also ported the PDB reader to Blackberry (Java), and I think it is
much easier to understand compared to the Symbian C++ port (it was a
direct Palm C to Symbian C++ mapping). The URL is:
I had a similar problem and fixed it by defragmenting my memory card
(attached it to the computer and defragmented it in Windows). Don't know
why it worked, but it did.
Thank you for everyone that encourages me to create a version for
Symbian^3. I had been trying to get it working, but I wasn't able to
do that that since I didn't have access to a symbian^3 device.
Few months ago I tried to work with Ronald Mancia Umaña remotely to
help me test. I sent him several .sisx file, and he sent me back a log
file. But since I can't figure out what is wrong, I stopped. I even
tried to put classifieds in my church bulletin to get a second hand N8
(or to find someone willing to lend me one), but I can't find anyone.
Yesterday Akinwole Akinpelu reminded me that there is Nokia Remote
Device Access. I have known about this service for a long time, but I
have never been able to connect to the service (I think mostly because
of my internet connection). Recently I have upgraded my Internet
connection, so I thought I should try it again.
Last night I was able to connect to RDA, and although the access was
very slow, I was able to get SymbianBible to work on Symbian^3 device.
It turns out the problem was in the logging itself. I should not have
used RFileLogger, which is undocumented/unsupported API.
Akinwole Akinpelu have confirmed that this version works in Symbian^4:
Sorry, i meant Symbian^3
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Sorry, almost forgot about the icon. I was concentrating to the it working.
Can you make the icon blue? (or modify my current icon to be shinny?)
I have used the blue icon since 2003, and I think it will be nice if
people can recognize the icon immediately.