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Images set installed before preinstall scripts?

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Einar Jón

Dec 19, 2024, 5:18:09 AM12/19/24
to swupdate

We have a slightly annoying issue:
Our rootfs installer is gettting too big to fit completely in memory
on  all our devices, so we recently had to change the sw-description
to use "installed-directly = true;" for the rootfs (see below)

But the order seems to be:
- Extract everything to /tmp
  -- if something is "installed-directly": true  that's done now...
- run preinstall scripts
- install images from /tmp
- run postinstall scripts

This kind of kills the point of having preinstall scripts at all.

Is there a way to install the rootfs after the preinstall scripts
without extracting it to /tmp?

I could probably set $TMPDIR to a mounted partitition that's big enough and change back to "installed-directly = false;", but that seems like a bad solution...

Best Regards
Einar Jon

Relevant sw-description snippet
          images = (
              filename = "@@IMG_FILE@@";
              sha256 = "$swupdate_get_sha256(@@IMG_FILE@@)";
              compressed = "zstd";
              device = "/dev/disk/by-partlabel/root";
              installed-directly = true;
              filename = "SPL";
              sha256 = "$swupdate_get_sha256(SPL)";
              offset = "1K";
              device = "/dev/mmcblk0boot0";
              type = "raw";
              installed-directly = false;
            # more "installed-directly": false stuff skipped...
          scripts = (
              filename = "";
              sha256 = "$swupdate_get_sha256(";
              type = "shellscript";
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