Hi Jan,
On 11.02.22 16:55, Jan Kiszka wrote:
> Hi,
> we've just migrated a device from U-boot-provided fw-tools to
> libubootenv. But there is a subtle difference in the command line syntax:
> U-Boot:
> $ fw_setenv var val1 val2 val3
> $ fw_printenv var
> var=val1 val2 val3
> libubootenv:
> $ fw_setenv var val1 val2 val3
> $ fw_printenv var val2
> var=val1
> val2=val3
> Was that deviation intended?
It was, I do not remember when, but I got a patch for this.
Goal was to support both setting a variable with a list (old behavior),
and setting multiple variable in one line (new behavior).
In fact, delimiting the values, you get again the old u-boot-fw-utils
fw_setenv var 'val1 val2 val3'
I get:
var=val1 val2 val3
but it is possible to write now:
# fw_setenv var 'val1 val2 val3' var2 val4
# fw_printenv | grep var
var=val1 val2 val3
The change is subtle but important: fw_setenv will store the new
environment just once, that is it is possible to save multiple variable
in an atomic way.
This is not possible with old u-boot-fw-utils, where we have:
fw_setenv var val1 val2 val3
fw_setenv var2 val4
and of course, this cannot be atomic. Both old u-boot-fw-utils and
libubootenv support scripts, and in that case the update is still atomic
(fw_setenv -s).
> It bites us now as we documented the
> previous behavior in end user instructions (fw_setenv boot_targets mmc1
> mmc0 ...).
> BTW, libubootenv only describes the command line options of its tools,
> not positional parameters.
There is a patch I forgot to apply to add some documentation for
fw_setenv, even if positional parameters are still missing:
I can apply it and extend to describe positional parameters.
Best regards,
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