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About meta-swupdate-boards SWUpdates for the Raspberry Pi 3B boards

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Dec 17, 2024, 2:10:41 AM12/17/24
to swupdate
I am creating an custom OS for Raspberry Pi 3B and wanted to integrate SWUpdate in my OS. I am following the meta-swupdate-boards for creating the update procedure. 
So I am using the A/B root partition scheme as below shown below. My question is even if I am using two root partitions the /boot directory is the same and the update image contains the /boot directory with Image. If the upgrade procedure fails will the /boot partition still be intact? The raspberry pi has bunch of other files also in this partition like dtb files and kernel8.img. Not understanding the logic behind this update procedure?

software =
version = "0.1.0";

@@MACHINE@@ = {
hardware-compatibility: [ "1.0" ];
stable : {
copy1 : {
images: (
filename = "speedy-oe-image.ext4.gz";
sha256 = "$swupdate_get_sha256(speedy-oe-image.ext4.gz)";
type = "raw";
compressed = "zlib";
device = "/dev/mmcblk0p2";
bootenv: (
name = "rpipart";
value = "2";
name = "ustate";
value = "1";
copy2 : {
images: (
filename = "speedy-oe-image.ext4.gz";
sha256 = "$swupdate_get_sha256(speedy-oe-image.ext4.gz)";
type = "raw";
compressed = "zlib";
device = "/dev/mmcblk0p3";
bootenv: (
name = "rpipart";
value = "3";
name = "ustate";
value = "1";

Stefano Babic

Dec 17, 2024, 7:33:00 AM12/17/24
to Manoj, swupdate
Hi Manoj,
meta-swupdate-boards is just a bunch of examples, without beeing
exhaustive or ready for a product. The example you took just update the
rootfs in a very simple case.

What you have found is correct, and in fact, you have to develop your
own concept for your device. /boot from default build contains DTBs and
kernel, and this is not covered by the example here. You have to
implement your strategy, and store the kernel with a A/B concept, too,
adding separate partitions or moving the kernel into rootfs. Of course,
the same is for DTBs and for whatever should be updated.

Best regards,
Stefano Babic
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