Phoenician Group

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May 9, 2011, 11:26:41 AM5/9/11
to Swordtag
Hi, I'm the co-organizer of Phoenix AZ sword tag, a Facebook and
meetup group similar to this one. However, I would like to make my
group's rules follow yours (at least for some of our games), and would
like some more information in order to do so. I also would appreciate
a link to the rules for this group's website. We do not allow white
(only grey) PVC in our group (I hope that means the same in MN as it
does here... Grey here is for electrical I think.), due to how it
breaks, but CPVC should be fine.


May 10, 2011, 12:26:15 AM5/10/11
to Swordtag
Welcome Phoenix, its good to hear from other players. We've never
thought of that restriction, and it is not currently a requirement of
our weapon construction. And yes, grey pipe up here is electrical
conduit. Please forgive me for the lack of information on our main
website. We used to have it all here on google groups when they used
to support the construction of pages. I have yet to retrieve all the
original files from the administrator of our google groups forum. Most
of the info I will have to re-do from those files. Feel free to link
to or any of its pages (once they're up) all you
want. We welcome any opportunity to expand the audience for swordtag,
no matter if they're interested in our version or not.
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