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Discussion on class-warfare

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Mar 19, 2010, 12:36:20 AM3/19/10
to Swordtag
I like this idea. I think it would be fun to do something like this.
Also the set up can be used just from team battles (minus the magic).
The Armor Idea is a good one, but I think the problem remains. Before
it was how many hits does it take to go through armor, now it'll be
arguments on where someone was hit, but still it should be fun.

Question: Can you still fight while frozen, and can heal get you out
of it?

Also I think you should throw in once per game spells. Like one bring
back from the dead ability, or a Time freeze/ speed up thing where the
person blows a whistle and everyone freezes and only the caster can
move, but cant be closer then 5 feet (from tip of weapon) to an enemy.
Or maybe in conjunction with that a switch places, where he can change
places with a team mate. Or how about mind control. You can't move
while someone on enemy team fights their own people for like 10
seconds. I don't know but there are some ideas. Most other spells like
the ones you have above are pretty much covered already by those same
ones. If I think of anything else i'll post.

Good idea though. I plan to try this out with Swordtag when it starts
up again and I hope t works!

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