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Discussion on how-to-make-throwing-weapons

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May 16, 2010, 2:40:15 PM5/16/10
to Swordtag
Hmm. What about a weight to make it go farther?

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Daniel Davis

Jun 1, 2010, 7:56:58 AM6/1/10
actually i have a question... i made a couple daggers with a 1/2 inch pvc core... and it was about 1 1/2 inches thick... very soft and you wouldnt know that there was pvc... so it makes an awesome hand-to-hand weapon but i also found that it works awesome as a throwing weapon... would that still be ok for that?


Jun 3, 2010, 9:01:52 PM6/3/10
to Swordtag
The core rule of throwing weapons is that they cannot have any PVC in
them, or any type of solid weight, like coins, bolts, washers... you
get the idea. It is okay to add some weight to a throwing weapon
though. Examples of materials that have been used to weight throwers
are: uncooked (dry) rice or beans, and stuffing the tube with foam
scraps. You could theoretically use the filling from hacky sack balls,
styrofoam pellets from bean bag chairs, etc. Just make sure that
whatever you use doesn't have sharp edges, isn't toxic, doesn't make
the thrower too heavy, and the thrower can still flex (spread out
energy from impact) once it is complete.

On Jun 1, 6:56 am, Daniel Davis <> wrote:
> actually i have a question... i made a couple daggers with a 1/2 inch pvc
> core... and it was about 1 1/2 inches thick... very soft and you wouldnt
> know that there was pvc... so it makes an awesome hand-to-hand weapon but i
> also found that it works awesome as a throwing weapon... would that still be
> ok for that?
> On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 2:40 PM, ginger <> wrote:
> > Hmm. What about a  weight to make it go farther?
> > --
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