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The Neighborly Notice - Tuesday, December 17, 2024

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Debbie Helsley

Dec 17, 2024, 3:16:58 PM12/17/24

The Neighborly Notice
Vol. 17, No. 47 – Tuesday, December 17, 2024

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10.  Knoxville Neighborhoods Calendar (click link for online calendar)
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Published by the City of Knoxville’s Office of Neighborhood Empowerment, we report news important to Knoxville’s residential neighborhoods. Include your neighborhood- related event or meeting in this space. Call 865-215-3232. News deadline: 12 noon on Fridays.
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1.  Deadline for Neighborhood Achievement Awards Nominations
The deadline to submit nominations for the Office of Neighborhood Empowerment’s Neighborhood Achievement Award is quickly approaching and will close on Friday, Jan. 3, at 4:30 p.m.
This award supports neighborhoods and encourages creative freedom in the work neighborhood organizations do to improve, protect, and enhance their neighborhoods. Winners will receive $100 for their neighborhood organization to use on future projects. Don’t miss this opportunity to be recognized for the work your neighborhood has done throughout 2024. Awards will be given at the invitation-only Neighborhood Awards Dinner in March 2025. 

Don’t wait any longer. Nominate neighborhoods by completing the nomination form on the City’s website. Save the PDF to your computer and attach it in an email to, or mail your completed form to City of Knoxville, Office of Neighborhood Empowerment, Room 546, P.O. Box 1631, Knoxville, TN, 37901.  
2.  Happy Holidays from ONE! 
The Office of Neighborhood Empowerment would like to wish everyone Happy Holidays!
With 2024 coming to an end, it makes us reflect on all that we have witnessed in neighborhoods over the past year. Back in January, we saw neighbors come together to support those in need during a relentless winter storm. Later, we celebrated your incredible efforts at the Neighborhood Awards Dinner. In April we finally, after the first one was rained out, were able to have our first Kickball Tournament.  It is so much fun watching neighborhoods have friendly competition and support each other. We were able to visit you all at the Neighborhood Resource Fair in August, and in September; we had our very competitive Wiffleball Tournament. Westwood won both tournaments this year; can anyone beat them?  Also, there were many porch hops, picnics, regular meetings, Home Tours, National Night Out events, fundraisers, and so much more.
I am always grateful for the amazing work everyone is doing! We appreciate you and your volunteerism. Knoxville’s neighborhoods would not be as great as they are without your work. So, from ONE to you, Thank You!  In addition, we hope that you enjoy your holidays! See you back here in 2025. 
3.  No Newsletter: For the Next Two Weeks
The Office of Neighborhood Empowerment (ONE) will not be distributing a newsletter over the next two weeks as we will be observing the Christmas and New Year holiday. The newsletter will resume its regular schedule on Tuesday, Jan. 7, 2025. If you would like to keep up with neighborhood news, please visit our Facebook page.
4.  City Announces Holiday Schedule
City of Knoxville offices, including Office of Neighborhood Empowerment and 311, will be closed Tuesday, Dec. 24, Wednesday, Dec. 25, and Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2025. 
There will be NO household garbage or recycling collection on Wednesday, Dec. 25, and Waste Connections’ office will be closed. Wednesday routes will be picked up on Thursday, Thursday routes will be picked up on Friday, and Friday routes will be picked up Saturday. Regular trash/recycling schedules will resume for Monday, Dec. 30.
Between Thursday, Dec. 26, and Friday, Jan. 3, 2025, properly bagged excess holiday household trash and broken-down cardboard set next to full garbage carts will be picked up.
Downtown trash and recycling will not be picked up on Wednesday, Dec. 25.
The city's five recycling centers will be open, but the Goodwill attendant will only be available for household goods donations for ½ day on Tuesday, Dec. 24. The center will be unstaffed, but open for recycling drop-off on Wednesday, Dec. 25 and Wednesday, Jan. 1. Please wait to drop off donations until an attendant is available.
The City's Solid Waste Facility located at 1033 Elm St. will be closed on Tuesday, Dec. 24, and Wednesday, Dec. 25, with normal hours resuming on Thursday, Dec. 26. For the New Year’s holiday, the Facility will be closed on Wednesday, Jan. 1, with normal hours resuming Thursday, Jan. 2, 2025. 
For tips on how to prevent waste by recycling or donating gently used items during this giving season, please visit
5.  Join Kickstand for a Chill Holiday Ride This Saturday
Join Kickstand at Chilhowee Park this Saturday, Dec. 21, at 7 p.m. for a bike ride tour of the “Chillhowee Park Holiday” lights.
Have fun decorating your bike and your person in holiday gear, and don’t forget to dress for the weather! Hot cocoa and apple cider will be provided by RealGood Kitchen.
For those seeking a longer ride, Kickstand will also host a pre-ride to Chilhowee Park at 6:30 p.m., departing from their shop at Macedonia Methodist Church, 4630 Holston Dr.
Participants must have front and rear bike lights, as the ride will take place after dark.

For more information, visit their Facebook and happy biking.
6.  KCHD Offers Free Diabetes Management Classes
The Knox County Health Department (KCHD) will offer free diabetes management classes on Thursday, Jan. 9, 16, and 23 from 12-1 p.m. at the KCDH Community Room, 140 Dameron Ave.
Join the KCHD for the free, three-part series to learn about diabetes, including the role of diet and exercise, medications, and management. Approximately 760,719 people in Tennessee, or 13.8% of the adult population, have diagnosed diabetes. Thanks to better treatments, people with diabetes live longer and enjoy a better quality of life than ever before. If you are living with diabetes, it’s important to make choices that keep you and your loved ones healthy.
You can sign up for the free classes on KCHD’s website.
7.  Honor and Remember Our Unhoused Neighbors
The Knoxville/Knox County Homeless Coalition welcomes the community to the annual Homeless Persons' Memorial Service taking place this Thursday, Dec. 19, beginning at 6 p.m. at Volunteer Ministry Center, 511 N Broadway. The candlelight walk will begin there and will end at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 544 N Broadway. The memorial service will begin at 6:30 p.m. followed by a reception.
The community will come together to honor and remember our unhoused neighbors who have lost their lives due to the hardships of homelessness over the past year. Join in this solemn tribute as we reflect on their stories, celebrate their lives, and strengthen our commitment to supporting those in need within our community.
In the year 2023, our community faced a heartbreaking reality as we lost 170 of our homeless neighbors. These individuals had dreams and potential that went unfulfilled. Many of these tragic deaths could have been prevented, stemming from a range of health issues and adverse circumstances that are often exacerbated by the harsh realities of homelessness.
Each loss is not just a statistic; it represents a life that mattered deeply, filled with aspirations that were cut short. Our community is left to reflect on the profound impact of these losses and the urgent need for effective measures to address the underlying issues contributing to homelessness and its associated risks.
For more information about this event, please contact Dr. Bruce Spangler at 865-257-1549.

9.  Knoxville Neighborhoods Calendar (click link for online calendar) 
Call 865-215-3232 to include your neighborhood event or meeting in this Google calendar

Other Calendars 
Additional online calendars that cover events outside the neighborhood realm include: 

The City of Knoxville requires a permit to operate a short-term rental property. Details and a list of short-term rental permits are located on the City’s website here

About This Newsletter
** This Advisory is produced on most Tuesdays of the year.
** Ideas and contributions are welcome. We reserve the right to edit submissions.
** Deadline for news & calendar items: 5 p.m. Mondays
** May be copied and forwarded via neighborhood e-mail lists and newsletters.
** See past issues at our Website:
** Don’t have Internet access? Call 865-215-4382 if you need a copy of a particular document.

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