With the onset of Fall, there are several exciting projects to give a quick update on that are ongoing or planned. As we navigate into 2025 we will see some new amenities come online, construction on some projects, and planning for things to come.
The Augusta Quarry project is moving along with the buildings seeing a lot of progress. Foundations and structural steel are complete on the buildings, with contractors working diligently on installing the skin to these unique buildings. The additional site work continues, and we are excited to have this facility open as the weather warms in 2025.
Construction is scheduled to begin on the pavilion at Gateway Park this November. This structure is the sister to the Baker Creek Pavilion, utilizing similar construction and aesthetics. It will provide additional bathrooms, a playscape area, and a gathering plaza for park users that will act as a Gateway Trailhead for those navigating the Urban Wilderness. Work should be completed in the Fall of 2025.
Work is underway on Cottrell Greenway to complete the extension to the intersection with Sevier Avenue. This separated shared-use path increases multi-modal options for users traversing toward the Old Sevier Business District and downtown from the South Haven neighborhood and Gateway Park. This section of the greenway is expected to be completed by the end of the year.
A small project to enhance the pedestrian experience near Baker Creek Bottoms is also planned for this fall. Sevier Heights Road will be converted to green space while maintaining driveway access to Baker Creek Bottoms from the intersection at Tilson and Lancaster. This work is expected to occur over the early part of the winter.
The City is working to help implement a new bus shelter on Sevierville Pike at Sevier Avenue. This project, which has been in concert with the South Haven Neighborhood Association, will add a unique shelter for those embarking on their journey with KAT.
Lastly, our community partner, AMBC, will host its annual Fall Festival on Nov. 2nd. This event will be held at Baker Creek Preserve and is the organization's largest fundraiser, supporting its work in maintaining trials in the Urban Wilderness and other local trail systems. Taylor, between Tilson Rd and Cruze Rd will be closed late Friday afternoon, Nov. 1, and re-open Sunday afternoon, Nov. 3. You might want to plan for alternative routes.
If you have any questions, please let us know.
Thank you!
Debbie Sharp
Neighborhood Coordinator
Office: 865-215-4382
Website: www.KnoxvilleTN.gov