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November Neighborhood Meeting Notes

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Janice Tocher

Dec 3, 2024, 9:51:26 AM12/3/24
to Woodlawn
Greetings all!

THANKS to our secretary, Linn Acree, for putting together succinct recap of our November 25th meeting. Here are items of interest. If you would like to read the full meeting minutes, you can find them here:


Neighborly Notes:

Items of interest from the November 25, 2024, meeting of the South Woodlawn Neighborhood Association:

Porch pirates are active in our area.  If you are expecting a shipment, have it delivered to a neighbor who will be home or a safe address.

Report any homeless encampments in our area.  Call 311.

Truancy is a major problem in our schools.

A continuing need at all schools is Kleenex and laundry pods.  A donation box will be available through December 10 at the gazebo of the condos at 4125 Woodlawn for those wishing to make a donation.

The PTA Clothing Center has closed.  It has supplied clothing to children in Knox County for 90 years.

The business area of Sevier Avenue will be under construction for 12-18 months while utilities are buried.

Construction will begin in December for the welcome center under the Moody overpass for the Urban Wilderness.

Traffic calming speed humps will be installed on Greenwood and Hedgeapple in 2026.

South Knoxville Neighborhood & Business Coalition (SKNBC) and Stanley’s Greenhouse are sponsoring a fundraiser on December 5 at Stanley’s Greenhouse for the installation of art along the Trail by the Rail—Kern’s Bakery to Ijams Nature Center. More information and purchase tickets here:

The next SWNA meeting will be January 27, 2025, at Woodlawn Christian Church.  Dues:  Individual-$10, family-$15.

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