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SWNA Neighborhood Meeting - next Monday, Nov 25th

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Janice Tocher

Nov 18, 2024, 7:04:13 PM11/18/24
to Woodlawn, Woodlawn Christian Church, Tommy Smith, John Morgan
Greetings neighbors,

We will have a neighborhood meeting next Monday, November 25th - 7:00 p.m. at Woodlawn Christian Church.

Our evening speaker is Haley Engleman, who has been on staff at Dogwood Elementary and a part our School Outreach Committee shoe program for several years. We will hear about the scope of her work and how it has changed over the years.

We will also hear from our committee chairs, police liaison and Tommy Smith, our City Council Representative. 

All are welcome to attend!

Come hear about exciting activities and projects in which SWNA is currently involved. Be a part of planning future projects
that interest you. Bring a friend!

REMINDER: get a start on the holidays and order a poinsettia to pick up at the meeting. Use this online order form and pay with cash, check or credit card at the meeting:

Nov 2024 Meeting Flyer.pdf
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