School Supply Drive

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Nancy Lindemer

Jul 24, 2024, 4:29:06 PMJul 24
to Association Neighborhood
At the neighborhood meeting this week with twenty folks in attendance we collected around $100 dollars worth of supplies, and counting a donation today, $255 in cash! You are all such a generous group❣️
There are three schools we try to help, so hundreds of children benefit from your gifts.
If you would like to contribute and weren’t able to be at the meeting please contact a member of our committee.
Linn A. 314-277-2274
Laura S. 865-684-3273
Nancy L. 865-599-7686
📚✏️Thanks so much. 📓

Sent from my iPhone


Jul 24, 2024, 9:56:06 PMJul 24
Awesome! Great work!

Sent from my Galaxy
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