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The Neighborly Notice - Tuesday, August 27, 2024

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Debbie Helsley

Aug 27, 2024, 4:51:47 PM8/27/24

The Neighborly Notice

Vol. 17, No. 31 – Tuesday, August 27 2024
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Newsletter (PDF version):
1.  No Newsletter Next Week
2.  City Releases Labor Day Holiday Schedule
3.  Leadership Training Class Registration Deadline is Approaching  
4.  Neighborhood Wiffleball Tournament – Who’s In?
5.  The City’s BBB and POH Meet This Week
6.  City Seeks Public Input to Develop Its Five-Year Consolidated Plan
7.  Public Service Wants to Hear from You
8.  Secure Your Loads for Better Roads
9.  CAC Organizes 2024 Senior Safety Summit
10.  Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month
11.  Knoxville Neighborhoods Calendar (click link for online calendar)
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Published by the City of Knoxville’s Office of Neighborhood Empowerment, we report news important to Knoxville’s residential neighborhoods. Include your neighborhood- related event or meeting in this space. Call 865-215-3232. News deadline: 12 noon on Fridays.
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1.  No Newsletter Next Week
The Office of Neighborhood Empowerment will not produce The Neighborly Notice next week because the office will be closed Monday, Sept. 2, for the Labor Day holiday. 
The next issue will go out Tuesday, Sept. 10.  If you are lost without information for neighborhoods, visit our Facebook Page and see what community groups are doing. 
2.  City Releases Labor Day Holiday Schedule
City offices, including the Office of Neighborhood Empowerment, will be closed on Monday, Sept. 2, in observation of Labor Day.
Waste Connections will run residential garbage and recycling routes on Monday, Sept. 2. As a general reminder, the only days of the year where residential garbage and recycling will not be picked up as scheduled are Thanksgiving and Christmas.
The City's Solid Waste Facility, located at 1033 Elm St., will be closed on Saturday, Aug. 31, and Monday, Sept. 2.

3.  Leadership Training Class Registration Deadline is Approaching 

  The deadline to register for the Office of Neighborhood Empowerment’s (ONE) leadership training class, called Building Strong Neighborhood Organizations, is Friday, Aug. 30, by 4:30 p.m.

  The program consists of eight classes, starting Monday, Sept. 9, and will run through Monday, Nov. 4, (with Oct. 7 – Fall Break – off).  Graduation is slated for Monday, Nov. 11. It is a time commitment for participants, but one that is well worth the effort.    

  We will cover the following topics:   

  • Who can be a leader?   
  • Assets vs Problems  
  • The Power of People  
  • Effective Communication  
  • Successful Meetings  
  • Recruiting & Retaining Members  
  • Making Decisions  
  • Strategic Planning  

  Space is limited to 20 people. If you have questions or are interested in registering, contact Debbie Sharp at with the following information:

  • Name  
  •  Address   
  • Neighborhood  
  • Email  
  • Phone number 
  • What you hope to gain by joining this class  

  Neighbors who complete the class will be recognized at the Neighborhood Awards Dinner in March 2025. 

4.  Neighborhood Wiffleball Tournament – Who’s In?
The Office of Neighborhood Empowerment (ONE) will host its seventh annual Neighborhood Wiffleball Tournament on Saturday, Sept. 30, beginning at 9 a.m. at Caswell Park, 570 Winona St.
We are looking for neighborhoods to pull together teams of 6-11 players for a Round Robin-style tournament. The deadline to sign up to play in the tournament is Friday, Sept. 20. To sign up or get more information, please email
Wiffleball is rising in popularity throughout the U.S. and is a great opportunity for people to get together, compete, and build community.
Spectators are welcome to attend and cheer on the competing teams! We cannot wait to see you on the field for some friendly neighborhood competition. Speaking of friendly competition, who is going to give Westwood Homeowners Association some heat this year?
Here are our former tournament winners:
2023 – Westwood Homeowners Association
2022 – Westwood Homeowners Association
2021 – Oakwood Lincoln Park Neighborhood Association
2019 – Oakwood Lincoln Park Neighborhood Association
2018 – Westwood Homeowners Association
2017 – Westwood Homeowners Association
5.  The City’s BBB and POH Meet This Week
The Better Building Board (BBB) will meet this Thursday, Aug. 29, at 3:30 p.m. in the Small Assembly Room of the City County Building, 400 Main Street. Properties on the BBB agenda are 3210 and 3212 East Magnolia Ave.
The Public Officer Hearing (POH) will take place this Friday, Aug. 30, at 9:30 a.m. in the Small Assembly Room of the City County Building, 400 Main St.
New business on the POH agenda include:
  • 618 Hollywood Rd.
  • 2409 Jefferson Ave.
  • 2316 Sanderson Rd.
  • 713 Washburn Rd.
Please contact Cheri Burke at 865-215-2867 or with questions about attending a hearing.
The City of Knoxville ensures meaningful access to City programs, services, and activities to comply with Civil Rights Title VI and ADA Title II laws and reasonably provides translation, interpretation, modifications, accommodations, alternative formats, auxiliary aids and services.
To request language translation services, contact the City’s Human Resources Department at or 865-215-3100. For disability accommodations, contact City ADA Coordinator Stephanie Brewer Cook at or 865-215-2034 at least 72 hours before the meeting.
6.  City Seeks Public Input to Develop Its Five-Year Consolidated Plan
The Housing and Neighborhood Development Department is hosting public meetings on Wednesday, Sept. 4, from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. and Tuesday, Sept. 10, from 6-8 p.m. at the Public Works Service Center (3131 Morris Avenue) to inform and engage residents in the development of its Five-Year Consolidated Plan. This plan guides how the City will spend federal funds on affordable housing, community development and economic development activities. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback.
Both meetings will have the same agenda and have the option to attend virtually via Zoom. The Zoom links will be available at the day prior to the meeting.
For more information, a dedicated web page has been set up to keep people informed of how they may be involved in the planning process. You may also contact Linda Rust, City of Knoxville Housing and Neighborhood Development Department, P.O. Box 1631, Knoxville, TN  37901.
The City of Knoxville ensures meaningful access to City programs, services, and activities to comply with Civil Rights Title VI and ADA Title II laws and reasonably provides translation, interpretation, modifications, accommodations, alternative formats, auxiliary aids and services.
To request language translation services, contact the City’s Human Resources Department at or 865-215-3100. For disability accommodations, contact City ADA Coordinator Stephanie Brewer Cook at or 865-215-2034 at least 72 hours before the meeting.
7.  Public Service Wants to Hear from You
Our Public Service department provides exemplary service to residents in a variety of ways, including brush pick-up, maintaining parks and other City property, patching potholes, cleaning up graffiti and more. One way Public Service can do even better is to gauge the needs of residents. 
Now through Tuesday, Oct. 1, Public Service is conducting a short survey designed to help learn more about what neighbors know, do not know, and would like to see from Public Service. 
Questions include: 
Have you ever called 311? 
  • What is your favorite public park or greenway?
  • How many times a year do you use the curbside brush collection service? 
City residents only, please. Click here to fill out the survey and give Public Service your input! 
8.  Secure Your Loads for Better Roads
Unsecured loads on roadways are dangerous and illegal. To keep yourself and our community safe, please follow these tips from Keep Knoxville Beautiful (KKB):
  • Cover or secure your load
  • Use a tarp to prevent loose items from blowing out
  • Use bungee cords, straps, cable, or rope to secure items
  • Transport waste in trash bags
  • Keep trash bags or containers tied or covered
  • Load vehicle to prevent load shifting during transport
If you spot littering on state roadways, please contact the Tennessee Department of Transportation at 1-877-8-LITTER or report it through their online form.
For local streets, you can report litter or illegal dumping by using the MyKnoxville app or calling 311.
9.  CAC Organizes 2024 Senior Safety Summit
The 2024 Senior Safety Summit, organized by CAC, will take place on Friday, Sept. 6, from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. at the O’Connor Senior Center, 611 Winona St.
Local emergency organizations will be present to share information and resources to help seniors be prepared for weather disasters.
The Office of Neighborhood Empowerment will have a booth at the event to share information about how neighborhoods can become emergency prepared.
We hope to see you there!
10.  Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month
Hispanic Heritage Month is quickly approaching, and we are looking forward to it! This is an annual celebration of Hispanic communities, cultures, and contributions across the world. Hispanic Heritage Month, which began in 1968 under President Lyndon Johnson, is Sept. 15–Oct.15. This year’s theme is “Pioneers of Change: Shaping the Future Together.”
The 24th Annual HoLa Festival, a local celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, will be held in World’s Fair Park on Saturday, Sept. 21, from 11 a.m.-10 p.m.
You can learn more about this celebration by visiting the HoLa Hora Latina website!

11.  Knoxville Neighborhoods Calendar (click link for online calendar) 
Call 865-215-3232 to include your neighborhood event or meeting in this Google calendar

Other Calendars 
Additional online calendars that cover events outside the neighborhood realm include: 

The City of Knoxville requires a permit to operate a short-term rental property. Details and a list of short-term rental permits are located on the City’s website here

About This Newsletter
** This Advisory is produced on most Tuesdays of the year.
** Ideas and contributions are welcome. We reserve the right to edit submissions.
** Deadline for news & calendar items: 5 p.m. Mondays
** May be copied and forwarded via neighborhood e-mail lists and newsletters.
** See past issues at our Website:
** Don’t have Internet access? Call 865-215-4382 if you need a copy of a particular document.

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