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REMINDER: SKNBC Candidate Meet 'n Greet

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Janice Tocher

Feb 17, 2024, 10:27:31 AM2/17/24
to Woodlawn
Greetings neighbors,

A reminder that SKNBC and SKA will host a Candidate Meet ’n Greet this Monday - 6 - 7:30 at South High Senior Living

This is a great opportunity to get informed and feel confident about exercising your right to vote on March 5 in the local election. Plus the added bonus of getting to experience South High Senior Living, a beautiful space in SoKno.

Candidates for 9th District Commission, Property Assessor, Law Director, and District 6 Criminal Court Judge Division II have been invited to meet constituents and share their ideas and vision for Knox County.

The event will begin with a brief introduction and statement from each candidate, then break away to tables where attendees can engage with candidates individually. 

SKNBC and SKA extend an invitation to all Knoxville and Knox County residents, business owners, and community leaders. The event is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served.

Early voting starts Wednesday, February 14th and Election Day is Tuesday, March 5th. For more information about this upcoming election, visit

SKNBC-SKA 2024 Meet and Greet.pdf


Feb 17, 2024, 10:44:15 AM2/17/24
Thanks for this reminder. I am planning to come.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
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