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Faith and Blue Oct. 14th Meridian Baptist Church

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Janice Tocher

Oct 8, 2024, 3:30:24 PM10/8/24
to Woodlawn
Greetings Neighbors,

Here’s a message from Officer John Morgan with regards to a fun family event…


Touch-a-Truck event.  Please see the attached flyer for the Faith and Blue event open to the community, families and friends and pass this on to others.  Come out on October 14th to Meridian Baptist Church at 6513 Chapman Hwy to see the various vehicles that the Police, Fire and city services use and sit in and look at them.  The event will be from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. that evening and there will be a table with coloring books and other give aways for the kids.

Thank you, 

PO IV John Morgan

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