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The Neighborly Notice - Tuesday, January 7, 2025

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Debbie Helsley

Jan 9, 2025, 2:48:40 AMJan 9

The Neighborly Notice
Vol. 18, No. 1 – Tuesday, January 7, 2025

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1.  EXTENDED: Deadline for Neighborhood Achievement Awards Nominations
2.  ONE Hosts Social Media Workshops 
3.  Improve Health in Your Neighborhood
4.  Attend the Sevier Ave. Streetscape Project Public Meeting 
5.  Overnight Warming Centers Open This Week
6.  KCHD Offers Free Diabetes Management Classes
7.  AAA Recommends Winter Driving Tips
8.  MDC Offers Free Online Psychological First Aid Training
9.  Knoxville Neighborhoods Calendar (click link for online calendar)
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Published by the City of Knoxville’s Office of Neighborhood Empowerment, we report news important to Knoxville’s residential neighborhoods. Include your neighborhood- related event or meeting in this space. Call 865-215-3232. News deadline: 12 noon on Fridays.
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1.  EXTENDED: Deadline for Neighborhood Achievement Awards Nominations
The deadline to submit nominations for the Office of Neighborhood Empowerment’s Neighborhood Achievement Awards has been extended to Friday, Jan. 10, at 4:30 p.m.
Nominate a neighborhood by completing the nomination form on the City’s website. Save the PDF to your computer and attach it in an email to, or mail your completed form to City of Knoxville, Office of Neighborhood Empowerment, Room 546, P.O. Box 1631, Knoxville, TN, 37901. 
This award supports neighborhoods and encourages creative freedom in the work neighborhood organizations do to improve, protect, and enhance their neighborhoods. Winners will receive $100 for their neighborhood organization to use on future projects. Don’t miss this opportunity to be recognized for the work your neighborhood has done throughout 2024. Awards will be given at the invitation-only Neighborhood Awards Dinner in March 2025. 
2.  ONE Hosts Social Media Workshops
Does your neighborhood’s social media account need some attention? Are you not really sure where to start? Join the Office of Neighborhood Empowerment (ONE) for a series of social media workshops to learn more about the different social media platforms, how they function, and how to boost engagement.
The workshops will take place:
  • Social Media Workshop 1: Tuesday, Jan. 14, from 5:30-6:30 p.m. via Zoom - This workshop will primarily focus on the demographics on each social media platform, functions of both Facebook and Instagram, and ways to boost engagement.
  • Social Media Workshop 2: Monday, Jan. 27, from 5:30-6:30 p.m. via Zoom - This workshop will primarily focus on how to create engaging, quality content to boost your engagement both online and in person.
  • Social Media Workshop 3: Thursday, Feb. 6, from 4-6 p.m. in person by appointment only. This will be for those who would like to work with ONE staff to implement some of the things learned during the workshop. These appointments will be held at the City County Building, 400 Main St., Suite 546
Please contact Hayley Howard at to obtain the Zoom link for the workshops or if you have any questions.
3.  Improve Health in Your Neighborhood
Are you looking to improve your health and well-being in 2025? Get your neighbors involved by joining the Office of Neighborhood Empowerment’s (ONE) Healthy Knoxville Program (HKP)!
The HKP is designed to strengthen neighborhoods in the City of Knoxville by supporting a wide range of community-based initiatives that focus on health and wellbeing.
The HKP’s goals are to increase healthy outcomes for neighbors by planning activities in three of the four categories:
  • Physical Activity / Utilizing Outdoor Spaces
  • Nutrition / Healthy Food Access
  • Tobacco / Vaping Cessation
  • Mental Health and Wellness
It’s not complicated. Do you and your neighbors go for walks in your neighborhood? That counts! Do you all share healthy recipes on social media with one another? That counts! Do you pick up cigarette butts in your neighborhood’s park? That counts! Do you share coping skills with each other? That counts! We want to celebrate what you are doing to improve the health of you and your neighbors.
Neighborhood groups, which are recognized by the ONE, wishing to participate in this program will need to contact Hayley Howard at You have until the end of 2025 to complete your programming, and neighborhoods that participate will be honored at the Neighborhood Awards Dinner in March of 2026.
Let’s improve the health of Knoxville’s neighbors!
4.  Attend the Sevier Ave. Streetscape Project Public Meeting
The City of Knoxville invites you to attend the Sevier Ave. Streetscape Project Public Meeting taking place this Thursday, Jan. 9, from 5:30-7 p.m. at South Knox Elementary School, 801 Sevier Ave.
Later this month, two contractors, Whaley Construction and Southern Constructors Inc., will begin work on the Sevier Ave. Streetscape Project.
The overall $19.2 million investment will build wide ADA-compliant sidewalks, a new railroad crossing, new streetlights and traffic signals, a roundabout, and upgraded utilities (relocated below ground). The Sevier Avenue project will continue through summer 2026, but access to businesses and South Knoxville Elementary will consistently be maintained. Two lanes of traffic will generally remain open on Sevier Ave. When a lane is closed, flaggers will direct traffic.
The City of Knoxville ensures meaningful access to City programs, services, and activities to comply with Civil Rights Title VI and ADA Title II laws and reasonably provides: translation, interpretation, modifications, accommodations, alternative formats, auxiliary aids and services.
To request language translation services, contact the City’s Human Resources Department at or 865-215-3100. For disability accommodations, contact City ADA Coordinator Stephanie Brewer Cook at or 865-215-2034.
5.  Overnight Warming Centers Open This Week
Warming centers at four area churches coordinated by the Knoxville Knox County Office of Housing Stability will be open between Tuesday, Jan. 7, and Monday, Jan. 13, as temperatures are forecasted to drop below 25 degrees.
Volunteers and donations are needed for the following locations:
  • North: Fountain City UMC, 212 Hotel Rd.
  • South: Vestal UMC, 115 Ogle Ave.
  • East: Magnolia Ave. UMC, 2700 E. Magnolia Ave.
  • West: Cokesbury Church, 9919 Kingston Pike
If you can volunteer at a warming center, please visit the Office of Housing Stability’s website, and let them know where you would like to serve.
For more information, please contact the Office of Housing Stability at
6.  KCHD Offers Free Diabetes Management Classes
The Knox County Health Department (KCHD) will offer free diabetes management classes on Thursday, Jan. 9, 16, and 23 from 12-1 p.m. at the KCDH Community Room, 140 Dameron Ave.
Participate in this free, three-part series to learn about diabetes, including the role of diet, exercise, medications, and management. Approximately 760,719 people in Tennessee, or 13.8% of the adult population, have diagnosed diabetes. Thanks to better treatments, people with diabetes live longer and enjoy a better quality of life than ever before. If you are living with diabetes, it’s important to make choices that keep you and your loved ones healthy.
You can sign up for the free classes on KCHD’s website.
7.  AAA Recommends Winter Driving Tips
With the upcoming weather conditions and throughout the winter season, the American Automobile Association (AAA) recommends the following winter driving tips:
  • Avoid driving while you're fatigued. Getting the proper amount of rest before taking on winter weather tasks reduces driving risks.
  • Never warm up a vehicle in an enclosed area, such as a garage.
  • Make certain your tires are properly inflated.
  • Steer, brake, and accelerate smoothly. Sudden maneuvers cause skids.
  • Keep your gas tank at least half-full to avoid the gas line freezing up.
  • If possible, avoid using your parking brake in cold, rainy, and snowy weather.
  • Do not use cruise control when driving on any slippery surface (wet, ice, sand).
  • If you get into a skid, always look and steer where you want to go.
  • Always remember to buckle up!
  • Watch weather reports prior to a long-distance drive or before driving in isolated areas.
  • Delay trips when especially bad weather is expected. If you must leave, let others know your route, destination, and estimated time of arrival.
  • Avoid distractions – your full attention should be focused on operating the vehicle.
For additional winter driving tips or other On-The-Road information, go to: AAA website.
Stay safe this winter!
8.  MDC Offers Free Online Psychological First Aid Training
Register now for one of the Metro Drug Coalition’s (MDC) upcoming Psychological First Aid classes taking place on the following dates:
  • Wednesday, Jan. 15, from 10-11 a.m.
  • Wednesday, Jan. 22, from 12-1 p.m.
  • Wednesday, Jan. 29, from 11 a.m.-12 p.m.
During this one-hour training, you will learn to provide psychological first aid to people in an emergency by employing the RAPID model. RAPID stands for Recommend, Agree, Perform, Input, and Decide.  It is a tool created by Bain & Company to help teams make decisions more effectively.
The RAPID model is widely applicable across public health settings, workplaces, military contexts, faith-based organizations, disaster response scenarios, and everyday critical events, such as accidents, robberies, or instances of violence.
Certificates will be available to all participants upon completion of the class.

9.  Knoxville Neighborhoods Calendar (click link for online calendar) 
Call 865-215-3232 to include your neighborhood event or meeting in this Google calendar

Other Calendars 
Additional online calendars that cover events outside the neighborhood realm include: 

The City of Knoxville requires a permit to operate a short-term rental property. Details and a list of short-term rental permits are located on the City’s website here

About This Newsletter
** This Advisory is produced on most Tuesdays of the year.
** Ideas and contributions are welcome. We reserve the right to edit submissions.
** Deadline for news & calendar items: 5 p.m. Mondays
** May be copied and forwarded via neighborhood e-mail lists and newsletters.
** See past issues at our Website:
** Don’t have Internet access? Call 865-215-4382 if you need a copy of a particular document.

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