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Fw: Informing Neighbors of Participation in NTSP

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Tim Saults

Feb 16, 2024, 6:07:52 PM2/16/24
to Association Neighborhood

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Hayley Howard <>
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2024 at 02:47:09 PM EST
Subject: Informing Neighbors of Participation in NTSP

Neighborhood Traffic Safety Program Participant,


I’m reaching out because there has been a great deal of tension at recent Draft Concept Plan Meetings, and I want to help you avoid as much conflict as possible.


Because participants in the program are only required to get 50%+1 of households to sign the petition in order to get a speed study, there are many upset neighbors who feel like they were intentionally left out of the process. Although program participants are only doing what the City has asked them to do, we understand why some neighbors that were not petitioned may be upset. This is something that we are changing for those that apply for the program in the future.


The Office of Neighborhood Empowerment and Transportation Engineering highly encourage you to go to your neighbors, especially those that you did not reach during the petition process, and inform them of your participation in the Neighborhood Traffic Safety Program. When speaking to these neighbors, let them know to be on the lookout for an invitation to a Draft Concept Plan Meeting where they can have their questions answered and express their support or opposition to the project. Their attendance at this meeting is very important.


I have included a sample flyer you could use in case your neighbor cannot be reached in person. Our office is happy to print off flyers for you to distribute to your neighbors if you think that would be helpful.


We know that this is additional work for you, but we think this will likely reduce a great deal of conflict at your Draft Concept Plan Meeting.


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


I will be in touch as soon as your draft concept plan is ready. We are still waiting on some internal approvals.




Hayley Howard

Assistant Neighborhood Coordinator

Office:  865-215-2113

Cell: 865-393-0262 


Janice Tocher

Feb 17, 2024, 10:00:22 AM2/17/24
to Woodlawn
THANKS for sharing this information Tim!

Appreciate the updates…

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