Hello, We are researchers from Microsoft Research, UChicago, and Northwestern, exploring how generative AI could reshape science journalists' work of brainstorming, editing, and revising story pitches. We're inviting current/ex-freelance science reporters with pitching experience to participate in our study. If this describes you, we're eager to learn about your perspectives on what you might want or not want from generative AI tools, and how you expect such tools might impact your work and thinking.
Here's what participating in the study would look like:
- We will conduct a 60–80-minute interview session with you over Microsoft Teams.
- We will discuss your current approaches to pitching, and explore designs for hypothetical AI-powered pitching tools.
- You will receive a $75 card as a token of our thanks.
Feel free to email us with any questions about our project. If you know other journalists who might be interested, we'd really appreciate you sending this invitation to them.