Open Day - Nov 22nd 2014

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Jess Robinson

Oct 18, 2014, 9:18:57 AM10/18/14

Hi all,

Those who have been paying attention may have noticed that we're
organising an Open Day, to coincide with the Craft Council's MakeShiftDo
weekend. I appear to have foolishly volunteered to organise it..

Simon has agreed that we can occupy the main table in the Museum
(upstairs) on Saturday November 22nd for this, so now we can get started
on decisions!

I created a wiki page to list initial tasks to get started on, volunteers
welcome -

At the meeting last week we decided that the main theme would be "Design &
Print". The main decision to make is the exact format, as we will be in
the Museum on a normal open day I propose the following:

Drop-In 3D Design and Print

We will need:

Design - A number of computers for people to use, a design program
installed, a set of instructions to follow, some lurking experts to help

Print - A number of 3d printers, some customisable designs to choose from,
people to man the printers.

How many can we fit in/watch over? I suspect about 3 of each (computers,
printers) will be about full.

If I'm writing the instructions, it will use OpenSCAD and be a set of
instructions with pictures for making some small object. People can then
print this, or pick one of the customisable ones.

Charges - so that we don't have to figure out whether someone has taken
part, or is just chatting, we could just charge for the actual physical
printed object.

Thoughts, disagreements? We've only got so much time, so got to get on
with it!


Damian Axford

Oct 18, 2014, 9:50:49 AM10/18/14
Awesome... good work getting started.  I've started a list of customisable print ideas on the wiki page - we should probably print off some examples of these ready for the day (have added that to the task list)

3 - printers sounds good, unless Jamie can help score some extra space?  


Robert Longbottom

Oct 19, 2014, 1:11:59 PM10/19/14
Cool, looks like a good start.  A number of the customiser links on that page don't work for me - anyone else getting that?  (eg luggage label and the organic vase)

I've added a lego block you can put your name on.  Just printed a 2x5 and it took just under 30mins - will bring it in on Wednesday.

One point about using customiser is that I think it requires a thingiverse account to get the STL.  But I'm not sure since I've never used it.  You can get around it and download the openScad source, which I did for the lego block.  Are all Customiser parts OpenScad based?

Like the idea of have-a-go in OpenScad, then either design something yourself or customise something - that should work reasonably well.

Happy to bring in my printer and/or try to run the hackspace one (unless anyone else wants that job) - though I think it wants a bit of attention - I'll start a different thread about that :-)

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Damian Axford

Oct 19, 2014, 3:44:50 PM10/19/14
hmm.... seems those customiser links only work when you're signed in to thingiverse.    

Yes - all Customizer parts are OpenSCAD based.  Makes it very easy to play with the source :)

Love the lego brick - how well does it fit with normal lego blocks?

Robert Longbottom

Oct 19, 2014, 3:52:50 PM10/19/14
I think I was signed in.  I was wondering if it generated a link customised (pun intended) to your account - it might be easiest to just link to the original thing.

The Lego brick turned out ok, I can put "real" lego on top, but not underneath - probably the first layer got squished a bit and so it's a fraction too tight.  Attacking it with the craft knife would probably make it fit, but I've not tried yet. 

Damian Axford

Oct 20, 2014, 5:38:41 AM10/20/14
double hmm - ah well, will tweak the links at some point.  

and good news on the brick - will try a test print this week... plus, we can always play with tolerance values to get a nice fit straight off the printer.

Robert Longbottom

Oct 20, 2014, 3:42:59 PM10/20/14
I've also had a go with the stretchlet braclet thing, which requires some "custom" slicer settings - no top/bottom layer, zero infill, single shell, which is fine.  It's turned out okay on the 3rd print attempt.  Attempts 1 and 2 failed to get the first layer down quite right and so it was screwed from there on in (and got cancelled)  I think it was a case of bed not quite level -  though I thought it was pretty close.   The end result is very nice (see Twitter), but tricky prints is something to be wary of on the day I guess.  The whole "demo-factor" will be kicking in as well :-)

I was about to try the Organic vase, which in a similar vein requires no top layer and zero infill, but does want a bottom layer, but I can't work out how to do that in Craftware :-O  Plus OpenScad is taking forever to render it.

@Steve, have you worked out how to do such objects in Craftware?

On 20/10/2014 10:38, Damian Axford wrote:
double hmm - ah well, will tweak the links at some point.  

and good news on the brick - will try a test print this week... plus, we can always play with tolerance values to get a nice fit straight off the printer.

Damian Axford

Oct 20, 2014, 4:24:35 PM10/20/14
this looks cool - today's featured duo tone whistle - sure to annoy everyone :)

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jmeosbn .

Oct 20, 2014, 4:26:28 PM10/20/14
No. Just no.

Jamie Osborne

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jmeosbn .

Oct 20, 2014, 4:26:39 PM10/20/14

Jamie Osborne


Oct 20, 2014, 4:46:34 PM10/20/14


You can zclip the gcode when you visualise it in Craftware. It's not that precise, using sliders but I am sure it will do, see example attached and my Craftware slice settings for a vase type object.

On Monday, 20 October 2014 20:42:59 UTC+1, Robert Longbottom wrote:

Robert Longbottom

Oct 21, 2014, 1:43:40 PM10/21/14
Ah, yes, I'd seen those clipping options and wondered "why?"

Oddly, when I do that (top+bottom+clip) I get a load of "artefacts" on the inside surface that I don't get when I turn off top + bottom.  So ended up trying a brim instead, with no top+bottom, which seems to have worked out ok.  The only minor issue being the brim has to be 1mm larger than the object you are printing on the brim, but it doesn't detract too much from the particular shape of vase and you could always trim it off.


Oct 21, 2014, 4:01:41 PM10/21/14
Did you set Top/Bottom shell to "concentric" like in my settings file I uploaded? That should get rid of the artifacts on the inner wall.

Robert Longbottom

Oct 21, 2014, 4:07:34 PM10/21/14
Hmm, I thought I'd tried that and it hadn't made any difference, but now that I try it again it does!  Maybe I had changed something else as well.  Oh well, must read the instructions!  It looks like it will do a nicer job with those settings than my brim method because it's adding extra support to the inner walls where it needs it.  The print I've done is a bit gappy on the walls!

Damian Axford

Oct 25, 2014, 7:52:53 AM10/25/14
Mwahaha ... Customisable duo tone whistle:


jmeosbn .

Oct 26, 2014, 12:36:20 PM10/26/14
Hi Jess, just saw your notes.txt in the new repo - you may prefer the google maps link we use on our about page.

Also, if you're only planning to publish a flyer to the repo, it would be more handy to have it in our exiting documentation repo where we're trying to collect everything together (in which case, please keep with markdown so anyone can easily modify in the future. If you're planning to publish lots more un-reusable medias, then carry on. ;)    (or pick a mix of column A and col B)

Jamie Osborne

jmeosbn .

Oct 26, 2014, 12:37:09 PM10/26/14
*existing* repo.. ;) 

Jamie Osborne

Robert Longbottom

Nov 19, 2014, 5:18:52 AM11/19/14
It's getting close :-)  What do we still need to sort out?

Laptops?  Are we borrowing the museums? Do we want to install OpenScad on some before the day, maybe tonight?

Where are we actually setting up printers and "student" laptops?  In the corner room in the museum? Do we need to do anything to clear it / make space?

I have a load of timelapse videos of prints I've done recently, so I'll bring that along on a USB stick to either run on my laptop when it's not busy or somewhere else.

Should we try and do another timelapse of the day with a gopro?

Just thinking about things to bring on Saturday and thought my list might help someone else or someone might point out something I'm obviously missing!
  • Printer, filament, tools, laptop, etc (durr!)
  • Sample prints, might bring my Hovership quadcopter to display - we can also Steve's box of bits from the Hackspace cupboard assuming you don't mind :-)  Would be really nice to have a flexi-hand too if you have one printed.
  • Spare USB Stick
Any other thoughts anyone?


Jess Robinson

Nov 19, 2014, 5:46:32 AM11/19/14

Funny you should say that, was about to write a similar email ;)

Simon has suggested we go in Friday evening (I said 7pmish) and do the majority of the setting up. We're borrowing some of the museums machines for the OpenSCADding - we could install those tonight if we can figure out which ones! Who is available to set up with me Friday?

Who is actually coming on Saturday, and for what times? The "day" is running 09:30 - 5pm, I should be there for all of it bar breaks. At least 2 people all day would be good - one for "teaching" one for printer manning, a third as interference would be helpful.

It would be good if those that are helping familiarise themselves with the instructions: - I'll print out a bunch and staple them together. I've guinea pig tested them on one non-openscad user who got through it. 

More copies of the cheat/quickref sheet for openscad would be good too.

I also intend to print some list sheets for "Am interested in Hackspace for reason X", and "Would like thing Y printed later" for things that are too big to print on the day.

* USB stick(s)
* Cameras - I'm not sure if we can point them at the general public without people signing disclaimers though? Could point at the printers easily
* Coloured filaments
* Sample prints of the customised things, possibly large a4-sized images of each so people can see what they're choosing?
* Instructions
* Sign-up sheets
* Hackspace flyers
* ... spare brains! :)

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Robert Longbottom

Nov 19, 2014, 6:29:35 AM11/19/14
Ah excellent :-)

I will come down Friday night to help with setup, 7pm is fine.  I was planning on being there all day on Saturday with printer, so turn up at 9:30, drop off printer, park car, come back and setup printer, stay until whenever it kind of wraps up.

The pdf of the instructions stops after one page - is that just me?

Yeah, last time we did a timelapse I just set it up and people were non-the-wiser!  Guess we probably shouldn't do that really, but it might be interesting to point it at printers or something.

Do we have a price list for printed parts? / a (3d printed) money tin :-) ?


On Wednesday, 19 November 2014 10:46:32 UTC, Jess Robinson wrote:

Funny you should say that, was about to write a similar email ;)

Simon has suggested we go in Friday evening (I said 7pmish) and do the majority of the setting up. We're borrowing some of the museums machines for the OpenSCADding - we could install those tonight if we can figure out which ones! Who is available to set up with me Friday?

Who is actually coming on Saturday, and for what times? The "day" is running 09:30 - 5pm, I should be there for all of it bar breaks. At least 2 people all day would be good - one for "teaching" one for printer manning, a third as interference would be helpful.

It would be good if those that are helping familiarise themselves with the instructions: - I'll print out a bunch and staple them together. I've guinea pig tested them on one non-openscad user who got through it. 

More copies of the cheat/quickref sheet for openscad would be good too.

I also intend to print some list sheets for "Am interested in Hackspace for reason X", and "Would like thing Y printed later" for things that are too big to print on the day.

* USB stick(s)
* Cameras - I'm not sure if we can point them at the general public without people signing disclaimers though? Could point at the printers easily
* Coloured filaments
* Sample prints of the customised things, possibly large a4-sized images of each so people can see what they're choosing?
* Instructions
* Sign-up sheets
* Hackspace flyers
* ... spare brains! :)


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Jess Robinson

Nov 19, 2014, 6:50:25 AM11/19/14

Oops, would help if I committed the latest version of the pdf wouldn't it.. try again? If not should be at

Yes, price list and tin would be handy wouldn't it, I'll get on the price list later on today.

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Robert Longbottom

Nov 19, 2014, 7:10:36 AM11/19/14

Yes, that's better :-). Looks good and makes a nice little part.

Also on the subject of price if we have an easy calculation for adhoc stuff that people might want that would be good.  Eg if someone designs something on the day and wants it printed.


Nov 19, 2014, 7:22:00 AM11/19/14
That would print fast with very little infill too.

I will be there on Saturday and Friday evening too from 7pm to help tidy/setup. If there is space then I will bring my Witbox on Saturday, but we shall see how Friday goes.

I will bring my bag of more impressive prints to display.

Assuming there is somebody to let us in on Friday?

Jamie Osborne

Nov 20, 2014, 11:05:26 AM11/20/14
Last time I mentioned it'd be cool to have a display showing the progress of a print. The screen Rob pointed out the options for on octoprint last night does this well enough, and I could show that on a seperate monitor full screen and it makes for a good display. (I assume I can also open it up in a seperate tab on my own display?).

Related; I'm a little apprehensive about printing for visitors when I'm new to it still - so I could just keep some prints running so there's always something to see on the printer and on the monitor?


Jamie Osborne

Nov 20, 2014, 11:08:25 AM11/20/14
Also, is it 7pm we're meeting on Friday then?

Jess, do you know which areas we are using, and whether Simon is clearing them (and if not, where should it all be stored?!).


On 19 Nov 2014, at 12:22, Gyrobot <> wrote:

Robert Longbottom

Nov 20, 2014, 11:28:15 AM11/20/14

I guess printing for visitors will depend on demand, so yeah, maybe starting off by printing each of the customisable objects on the list as a test / practice run or anything else you want.  Printing lots of small / quickish prints is probably a good way to get some experience.  The trickiest part is always starting the print, once its running there should be very little input required.  Since I'm now not bringing my printer I'll be floating around so can always help and I'm sure everyone else will too.

Jamie Osborne

Nov 20, 2014, 11:41:09 AM11/20/14
Sounds good - how come you're not bringing your printer (I may have missed that last night)?


Robert Longbottom

Nov 20, 2014, 11:58:51 AM11/20/14

Not enough space. 3 printers was deemed enough.

jmeosbn .

Nov 20, 2014, 12:10:18 PM11/20/14
Ah, that's a shame.  Do we actually know what space we have yet?

Jamie Osborne


Nov 20, 2014, 3:55:14 PM11/20/14
Jess, said, Simon said the same Mac table as last time, we shall just put the macs underneath.

We are meeting a 7pm ish tomorrow evening too, I believe Simon will be there. I think I will bring my Witbox on Saturday morning though

Jamie Osborne

Nov 20, 2014, 4:17:53 PM11/20/14
Ah, not a lot of room then. Wasn't Jess meaning to set a load of laptops up as well?

The only other bit of space (without needing to move loads) is where the teletype was briefly - which they use for papercraft etc. - perhaps Jess could set them up there (as its not really a good demo area, but it quite useful as a work/bench area)...

Is the witbox the same as last time? We want to see the new one (ones?)!!



Nov 20, 2014, 5:17:45 PM11/20/14
There will be room for three printers down one side which will be the side facing people as they come round the corner, and then 4 laptops or so round the opposite side of the table.

The Witbox is the newer one, which you haven't seen yet.

jmeosbn .

Nov 20, 2014, 6:59:46 PM11/20/14
Cool, look forward to having a look.

We should be able to get that space along the side too though, but speak tomorrow IRL. :)

Jamie Osborne

Malcolm Pett

Nov 21, 2014, 4:09:18 AM11/21/14
Hi All
Sorry been out of it again for a week...
Anything I can help with?

Sounds like there isn't much room but I could bring up the PCB factory to show people.

Willing to help out if you need someone else to chat about 3D printing.


Jess Robinson

Nov 21, 2014, 4:37:58 AM11/21/14

Quite welcome to come and hang around and discuss printing or spell people at doing some printing/teaching ;)

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Jess Robinson

Nov 21, 2014, 4:44:57 AM11/21/14

Oops, missed all those emails..

Jamie, as far as I understand it from minimal discussions with Simon: We're using the table that we used for the tech day, we're meeting tonight at 7pm to set up, I assume that the machines on that table just get shoved underneath it. I think/assumed Simon will be there tonight to clarify all that.

The intention so far is to have a row of 3 laptops (will need chairs I guess) along the far side of the table with sets of instructions and someone to answer questions/help. On the other side we hopefully squeeze in three printers, the hackspaces, Steve's and mine+james'. We pondered separating either of them into the other space, but think its probably less interesting if you can't look at the printing while learning, and we'd have to split ourselves more.

Addendum that Rob and I discussed briefly on the way out on Wed: Any monies made (gah, still need to figure out charges), half will go to the printer owner/provider of the filament used, and the other half to the hackspace funds ... Any objections to that?

We should attempt to track who printed what.


Malcolm Pett

Nov 21, 2014, 6:24:48 AM11/21/14
Need any help tonight?

Jamie Osborne

Nov 21, 2014, 7:10:31 AM11/21/14
No objections to people covering their costs.

It'll be a shame if we can't use that table just for lots of 3D printers - considering that most people will come mainly to see printers and perhaps have something printed, then it makes sense to maximise that?

If we do split the table between printers and laptops - and the aim is to make the printers most visible - then it may make more sense to have them along the far side* so we are not stood between them and everyone else (well, as little as possible anyway).

* we have four "sides" to work with, so I'd assume the printers would also take each adjacent side - else it really will be a squeeze!


Lilla Newton

Nov 21, 2014, 7:14:48 AM11/21/14
Dear Jess,

Could you specify please how much you charge for 1m 3D print material and for printing?


What time the event starts and finishes?


If I bring laptop is the design software available to download?


Is the purpose of the event:
1) 3D print one of the option listed?
2) print any design you previously designed on the software?
3) learning how to design on the software?
4) all previous 3

Thank you.



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Jess Robinson

Nov 21, 2014, 1:34:02 PM11/21/14

Hi Lilla!

Personally I currently charge for both filament (by grams) and print time, so a small object 1cmx1cmx2cm costs pre-profit about 86p to make. If you have a specific object I can run it through my algorithm for you.

The event starts and finishes with the opening & closing of the museum, 09:30 - 5pm.

We'll be having 3 or 4 laptops out for people to use, with OpenSCAD installed. You're welcome to bring your own if you like, has the software freely available.

The purpose is a drop-in / show 3d printing to the public day, so we have a set of instructions that people can follow sat at a laptop, which will produce a small thing. They can then either print the thing, modify and print it, or choose from a list of other customisable items we've found. If its not too busy we can probably also print other models people find.

So, its mostly 1&3 from your list, but we can do 2 if not busy.. it depends how long the item will take, as we don't want to make people wait for ages. I am bringing a sheet which people can use if they'd like things printed later..

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Jess Robinson

Nov 21, 2014, 1:41:52 PM11/21/14

We should be ok, its mostly clearing space, and probably making sure we have enough power cables everywhere!

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Damian Axford

Nov 21, 2014, 2:33:13 PM11/21/14
Apologies all... Can't make it tomorrow after all, on children duty :)

Jess Robinson

Nov 21, 2014, 3:56:14 PM11/21/14
We'll just have to have fun without you!


On Fri, 21 Nov 2014 19:33:13 -0000, Damian Axford <>

> Apologies all... Can't make it tomorrow after all, on children duty :)

Robert Longbottom

Nov 22, 2014, 4:08:23 PM11/22/14
'twas a good day, well done to Jess for doing lots of organising :-)

Timelapse video on youtube:

Checkout the centre laptop as it plays print timelapses - a timelapse of a some timelapses - how very meta!
And also the filament spools spinning on the Whitbox look pretty cool.

There are some photos on Flickr: (also in the Hackspace group)


On Friday, 21 November 2014 20:56:14 UTC, Jess Robinson wrote:
We'll just have to have fun without you!


On Fri, 21 Nov 2014 19:33:13 -0000, Damian Axford 
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