Re: [SLN] Digest for - 6 updates in 2 topics

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Robert Stark

Jun 17, 2024, 6:10:04 AM (12 days ago) Jun 17
Hi All

The old Hull and East Yorkshire group has secured a blanket policy on for box fitting on any reroofs. 

We have had similar support in Scarborough area from ‘Sanctuary Housing Group’ who are going to fit boxes to all reroofed properties in Scarborough. ‘Beyond Housing Group’ have offered to fit boxes provided the sitting tenants agree although none have been done yet. 

I would advise finding out if there is a local council officer responsible for the relevant estate. They will know who to speak to at the housing group. Keep chipping away until you find someone within the social
Housing organisation that is supportive (it may take sometime).

Pre-assembled plastic boxes are available from AfS (I had huge reservations giving busy builders flat packs) or even better a moulded box will be available very soon from AfS. It is the latter we have recommended to Sanctuary. 

Hope that helps. 

Rob Stark

From: <>
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2024 8:56:33 PM
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Subject: [SLN] Digest for - 6 updates in 2 topics
Banstead Swifts <>: Jun 16 06:18PM +0100

Dear Catherine
Here in Reigate and Banstead Council Area all the housing stock was passed
over to Raven Housing Trust. This is likely the case for the majority of
what many would know as 'Council or local authority houses'. Housing
Associations or Housing Trusts are now the big landlords. Sorry if you
already know all that!
There was no policy with Raven HT in regard of providing homes for swifts
or any red listed birds such as sparrows that roost all year round here.
Their roosts were mortaored up one autumn, likely with them inside.
Unfortunately surveys of properties prior to work on soffits was, either
zero or lacking. So much so that whole swift colonies have been lost in
places. A Police wildlife officer was furious on bout another site that
also likely had bats, but despite his initial intervention it went nowhere.
We bothered Raven HT for 4 years to put boxes up in one swift colony and
they finally did so in 2023, but only after blocking anotherswift nest and
others in 2022. It is heartbreaking.
A lot of the old council builds in the borough were 1950s with open eaves
and I was told they were full of swifts and swallows until soffits were
fitted. We have one brick work nest left here on our site.
Generally there appears to be a complete lack of awareness of the Wildlife
Act and property management and upgrade with the housing trust who is
responsible for 3000+ properties. I had to highlight their responsibilities
but my contact has moved on and I suspect I need to start over. So a long
story, but key points:
No policy
Unlikely to acknowledge swifts presence let alone the wildlife act.
Retrofitting for carbon zero and blocking swift and other red list bird
nests off in the process.
Sorry it's not more positive.
Annie & Barry
"@EssendineSwifts" <>: Jun 16 12:50AM -0700

Wouldn't soffit boxes be the best solution?
Tenants would probably prefer this too because they are enclosed, and
Alistair <>: Jun 16 11:20AM +0100

Unsure of Bromley councils policy for council houses but their other documents for swifts look very good! <>
Catharine Gale <>: Jun 16 05:01PM +0100

Hi Andy
Thank you for this. If Southampton City Council agree, as part of their
revised Biodiversity Action Plan, to install substitute nesting places
(whether external swift boxes or soffit boxes) when they re-roof and
replace soffits/fascias on their housing stock, I'll certainly let SLN
members know the details.
best wishes
Hampshire Swifts
Catharine Gale <>: Jun 16 05:05PM +0100

The Southampton City Council ecologist who is working on revising their
Biodiversity Action Plan is going to discuss with her colleagues how best
to provide substitute nest sites for swifts when work is done on the
eaves/roofs of their housing stock. Soffit boxes are going to be
considered as well as external nest boxes.
best wishes
Hampshire Swifts
On Sun, 16 Jun 2024 at 08:50, '@EssendineSwifts' via swiftslocalnetwork <
Catharine Gale <>: Jun 16 05:07PM +0100

Thank you for this helpful information, Alistair. I'll pass it on to the
Southampton City Council ecologist who's working on their revised
Biodiversity Action Plan.
best wishes
Hampshire Swifts
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Jay iPhone

Jun 17, 2024, 5:50:31 PM (12 days ago) Jun 17
Urgent action (petition??) is needed to afford swifts the same legal protections that bats enjoy. LA housing being upgraded re- roofs & eaves is the main cause of the halving of Shipston’s swift population back in 2016. 😔 Jacey. SAS. 
Sent from my iPhone

On 16 Jun 2024, at 20:56, wrote:

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