SAW2024 Update No. 10 at 22 June

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Nick Brown

Jun 22, 2024, 12:59:27 PM (7 days ago) Jun 22

Hi again,

With a week to go before the start of SAW2024, we now have close on 80 events with four new ones in and around Chirk, three in Tayside and one each in Shaftesbury, Stoke Newington and Lancaster
See the full list: SAW 2024 events - Google Docs with just the very latest ones in red……

Thanks to everyone who has made the effort and a massive thanks to Jamie Wyver who has worked so hard to get these listed on the RSPB’s website.
(I’m already getting queries from it for local events here so it is giving us vastly more exposure than we’ve ever had before.)

Below is some organisational stuff so if you are not running an event, ‘look away now’ as they say…..

Some notes for SAW event organisers, especially events involving walks.

1.         Please pay some attention to health and safety especially if you have to cross roads. It is worth walking the route beforehand with this specifically in mind,   
             planning the safest crossing places and looking for potential trip hazards etc.
             For walks, having a ‘back marker’ is good practice. High vis jackets for the leader and back marker would be wise.
             It might also be worth having a first aider present or at least knowing where the nearest hospital is for any minor injury such as a twisted ankle.


2.         Please ensure that you count the number of folk attending and wait awhile for any late comers before setting off.
If your event is un-booked, have a plan if more people turn up than you expected…eg have a second leader standing by so you can split the group in two.
A short introduction is important - make sure everyone can hear you!

Be sure to say who you are and point out your helpers who ideally should have some badge, tabard or hi-vis clothing.

             Tell them what you plan to do and how long you expect it to take.

3.         If you don’t have them already, try to capture names and email addresses at the end so you can involve attendees with your future swift work.

4.         Feedback: why not send a note and photo to your local paper and community magazine about how your event/s went?
             And please send some brief feedback (eg numbers attending) direct to me plus a photo if you can: .


I hope the weather behaves itself and your events all go well!

Best wishes,


SAW2024 Coordinator      





Ben Stammers

Jun 25, 2024, 3:52:22 AM (5 days ago) Jun 25

Well done everyone for getting all the SAW events organised – and well done Nick and Jamie for collating and promoting! Good luck (and good weather) to everyone.


Can I make a plug for our Welsh petition to get swift bricks into all new-buildings in Wales? If people are running SAW events and talking about what people can do to help swifts, it’d be great if you’re able to mention the Welsh campaign and encourage folk to sign and share. Anyone in UK is eligible, and we’re hoping that if we can get enough signatures and get the law changed over here – it could significantly help get the campaign in England (and Scotland and N Ireland?) over the line too? Taking the Netherlands’ example…

Hannah Bourne-Taylor and Edward Mayer have both been helping to promote this, amongst others – many thanks all!


Here’s the link: Legislate to ensure swift bricks are installed in all new buildings in Wales. - Petitions (senedd linkwales) or if you put Swift Petition Wales into a search engine it should come up.

Diolch yn fawr

Many thanks


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