Weekly, Crowdmap Beta and Umati Monitoring Dangerous Speech Google Hangout

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Heather Leson

May 3, 2013, 10:58:21 AM5/3/13
to comm...@list.ushahidi.com, Ushahidi Developers, swift...@googlegroups.com
HI folks. We have had a super busy week!  Normally I send summaries to each of these lists separately, but today we have some big moving parts and wanted to connect you all.

  • Crowdmap's Public Beta is Monday, May 6th - see the new version (docs on the wiki) https://wiki.ushahidi.com/display/WIKI/Crowdmap
  • Rose did a review of it - "With upgrades, it frequently seems features become more complex; one can lose their sense of direction when there is an general feeling of unease and awkwardness the changes are so difficult to become accustomed to.This upgrade has been very smooth one. The new release has been a joy to work with. I find it very interactive, and it has an intuitive flow that is easy to adjust to.  I am now better equipped to customize my map as I see fit, and I am thrilled with the possibilities this upgrade presents."
Umati Research:

We'd like to invite you to attend a Google Hangout. Ihub Research has been conducting studies around the Kenyan elections. They will be sharing some of their finding on Umati and Monitoring Dangerous Speech.

The Event is Tuesday, May 7th.  Details: http://blog.ushahidi.com/2013/04/26/umati-google-hangout-monitoring-dangerous-speech/

Corruption Research:
Lastly, I have been rewriting big sections of wiki.ushahidi.com to include more details on topical maps and how to kits. The big first bite is about Corruption Mappers. I posted some hot data stats about the maps: https://wiki.ushahidi.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=8355984
  • maps reviewed 28
  • total reports 6780
  • number of total categories across all the maps 463
  • Country with the most maps: India (3)
  • projects that are using categories for locations (instead of layers): 4 – Colombia, Brasil, Albania, Kosovo
  • Map with the most reports: Zabatak (Egypt), followed by Kallxo (Kosovo) and One De Olho Nas Emendas (Brasil)
If you would like to help on election mapper stats, I could use a hand next week. (basically search, document and compare) It is sadly manual but super interesting to see the examples around the world.

All the best,


Heather Leson
Director of Community Engagement
www.ushahidi.com and https://wiki.ushahidi.com
@heatherleson / skype: heatherleson
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